- 論文の詳細を見る
I Purpose We intend to show what mental traits superior Judomans have as compared with inferior Judomans by investigating their grades of mental health and fitness. II Procedure A. Subject tested 1. 41 Judomans who belong to Tokai University. 2. 41 Judomans who are involved in the champions of the Olympic, international and all Japanese games. B. Items of test 1. Uchida-Kraepelin psychodragnostic test. 2. Yatabe-Guilford personality Inventory. C. Resalt of test 1. Mental health The superior Judomans in general have the higher grades of mental health than the inferior Judomans. 2. Mental fitness Our diagnosis show that the superior Judomans have the two types of mental fitness. One type is vigorous endurable, perseverable and the other is sensitive and concentrative. III Conclusion Judging from our investigation it can be stated that the more superior Judomans have not only high grade of mental health but also have mental fitness which is most fitted for the Judo.
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