柔道の運動生理学的研究 その2 : 立技の解析
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Accompanied with our 1st report, present paper deals with investigation of Physical fitness of Judo, especially standing throw tactics. This time, three dimensional locomotion analysis of Judo by use of SN type Physical Locomotion Pursuit Analyzer (PLPA) which was devised by Nakano et al., and recording of electromyogram of upper extremities during action of Judo were performed, and relation between above two data were examined by help of the movie which was taken at once. In the present investigation the four tactics of Tachi-waza (standing throw) such as Okuriashibarai, Haraigoshi, Osotogari and Tomoenage of Judo within limit of PLPA method, were selected. At the results it was observed that the trained acted more rapidly in the above four tactics all and more smoothly in waist motion, the used muscles worked rationally even on record of electromyogram in comparison with the untrained, and in standing throw tactics center of circle action was always located within athlete's body which was dynamically rational, and that the untrained, on the other hand, acted poorly in waist motion and not rationally on record of electromyogram in all tactics. So far to record those physiological electric phenomenon and motion of exercise at once on the same graphic paper has been hardly done but a possibility of those recordings was proved by present investigation. In elucidation for physiological function of exercise the present method mentioned above will be much useful and convenient, although PLPA method has to be improved more to fit for the purpose.
- 東海大学の論文
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