<研究論文>高校野球に関する研究 (1) : 甲子園大会でのスクイズプレーについて
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A research on squeeze play in baseball was conducted (based on the 73rd and 74th All Japan High School Baseball Tournament at Koshien). The squeeze play in baseball is one of the most thrilling plays used when one point is desperately needed for a team. In our research, we examined the following three points, based on the 73rd and 74th All Japan High School Baseball Tournament at Koshien. 1. Number of times squeeze plays were used versus number of times when squeeze plays were not used even though there was a chance to use it. 2. The condition under which the squeeze plays were used versus conditions under which they were not used. 3. Success and failure of squeeze plays, and how they affected the outcome of the game. Result : 1. In the situation where a runner is in the 3rd base, with either one out or no outs, the ratio of squeeze play used vs not used was 1 : 4. 2. In the Koshien Tournament, squeeze plays are used about once every two games. Also, more than half of the teams participating in the tournament used squeeze plays at least once. 3. Success rate of squeeze plays was 60%, success rate of not using a squeeze play was 50%. 4. Squeeze plays were most often used when the score was 1-1,and then followed by cases of 0-0,0-1,and 1-2. Success rate followed the same order. 5. In the 73rd Koshien Tournament, 14 games out of 20 (70%) used squeeze plays which directly affected the victory of the game. In the 74th tournament, squeeze plays were used in 30 games, and in sixteen games they succeeded (54%) and victory followed. 6. Teams which failed in the squeeze play and lost the game were; five teams in the 73rd tournament, and seven teams in the 74th tournament. 7. In the 74th tournament, the number of squeeze plays used increased compared to the 73rd tournament. This was probably due to the fact that the 'lucky zone' (the distance to the fence became longer and the outfield was enlarged) was eliminated from the field, thus it may have decreased the number of home-runs in the game. Therefore squeeze plays may be used more frequently in the future.
- 1994-03-31
村川 俊彦
松永 尚久
松永 尚久
松永 尚久
大北 文生
大北 文生
村川 俊彦
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