- 論文の詳細を見る
This study was designed to investigate student's interest in TV sports programs by judging of the seeing-hearing proportion. Using "Weekly best ten of TV sports programs", the video-Research-Reports, we compared and studied the changes of the seeing-hearing proportions of the programs. Especially we examined the student's seeing-hearing state by questionnaires. The results of the examination are as follows; 1) The students are fond of seeing the TV sports programs, especially such as professional baseball, volleyball, bowling, soccer and osumo etc. 2) The total number and hour of the sports programs have remarkably increased. The seeing-hearing proportion is also likely to rise, though in a small degree. 3) The students are not fond of such programs as professional wrestling and kick-boxing. 4) From now on, casting off the interested sports programs, such a sports broadcasting is desirable as will guide the students not to see the sports but to play them.
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