Seasonal Changes in Immunoreactivity of Inhibin/Activin Subunits in the Epididymis of Wild Ground Squirrels (Citellus dauricus Brandt)
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2013-06-01
College of Biological Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University
Zhang Mengyuan
College Of Biological Science And Technology Beijing Forestry University
Taya Kazuyoshi
Laboratory Of Veterinary Physiology Department Of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Of Agriculture Tokyo U
Xu Meiyu
College Of Biological Science And Technology Beijing Forestry University
Sheng Xia
College Of Biological Science And Technology Beijing Forestry University
Weng Qiang
College Of Biological Science And Technology Beijing Forestry University
Zhang Haolin
College Of Biological Science And Technology Beijing Forestry University
Watanabe Gen
Laboratories Of Veterinary Physiology Dep. Of Veterinary Medicine Fac. Of Agriculture Tokyo Univ. Of
Zhou Jiao
College Of Biological Science And Technology Beijing Forestry University
SUN Rongbo
College of Biological Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, PR China
LI Qinglin
College of Biological Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University, Beijing 100083, PR China
LI Qinglin
College of Biological Science and Technology, Beijing Forestry University
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