The impact of nigorobuna crucian carp larvae/fry stocking and rice-straw application on the community structure of aquatic organisms in Japanese rice fields
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2010-03-01
YAMAZAKI Masatsugu
National Agricultural Research Center
Lake Biwa Museum
Lake Biwa Museum
MAEHATA Masayoshi
Lake Biwa Museum
Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Shiga Prefecture
IMAI Kiyoyuki
Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Shiga Prefecture
Agricultural Technology Promotion Center of Shiga Prefecture
Graduate School of Bioagricultural Sciences, Nagoya University
大塚 泰介
大塚 泰介
Lake Biwa Museum
Ohtsuka Taisuke
Lake Biwa Museum Shiga Jpn
Yamazaki Masatsugu
National Agricultural Res. Center Ibaraki Jpn
Kimura Makoto
Graduate School Of Bioagricultural Sciences Nagoya University
大塚 泰介
滋賀県立琵琶湖博物館 たんさいぼうの会(琵琶湖博物館はしかけ)
Kimura Makoto
Graduate School Of Agricultural Sciences Nagoya University
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- The impact of nigorobuna crucian carp larvae/fry stocking and rice-straw application on the community structure of aquatic organisms in Japanese rice fields
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