馬の甲状腺C細胞腺腫, 髄様癌および濾胞状腺癌の免疫組織化学的特徴
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 日本ウマ科学会の論文
- 2005-03-01
Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science, Kitasato Unive
OYAMADA Toshifumi
Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine, Kitasato University
Katayama Yoshinari
Equine Research Institute/epizootic Research Center
Katayama Yoshinari
Equine Research Institute Japan Racing Association
UEKI Hideaki
Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato Univ
Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato Univ
Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato Univ
OIKAWA Masa-aki
Equine Research Institute, Japan Racing Association
Chun-ho Park
Department Of Veterinary Pathology Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Unive
Yoshikawa Hiroyasu
Depatment Of Medicine And Bioregulatory Science Graduate School Of Medical Sciences Kyushu Universit
Oyamada Toshifumi
Department Of Veterinary Pathology School Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Univer
Oyamada Toshifumi
Department Of Veterinary Pathology Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Unive
Katayama Yoshinari
Equine Research Institute
Yoshikawa Hiroyasu
Department Of Veterinary Pathology School Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Univer
Yoshikawa Hiroyasu
Department Of Urology Showa University Fujigaoka Hospital
Ueki Hideaki
Department Of Veterinary Pathology School Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Univer
小山田 敏文
Department Of Veterinary Pathology School Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Univer
Yamaguchi Hiroya
Department Of Veterinary Pathology School Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Univer
Yoshikawa Hiroyasu
Department Of Electronics Graduate School Of Engineering Tohoku University
Oikawa Masa-aki
Department Of Veterinary Internal Medicine Faculty Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasa
Oikawa Masa-aki
Equine Clinics Ritto Training Center Japan Racing Association
Kowatari Hiroyuki
Department Of Veterinary Pathology School Of Veterinary Medicine And Animal Sciences Kitasato Univer
Park Chun‐ho
Kitasato Univ. Aomori
植木 秀彰
Department Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato University
小渡 祥之
Department of Veterinary Pathology, School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Sciences, Kitasato University
- Distribution of Influenza Virus Sialoreceptors on Upper and Lower Respiratory Tract in Horses and Dogs
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- 軟骨・類骨形成を示すイヌ口腔悪性黒色腫の病理(病理学)
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- Lesions of the Central Nervous System Induced by Intracerebral Inoculation of BALB/c Mice with Rabies Virus (CVS-11)
- Pathology of the Spinal Cord of C57BL/6J Mice Infected with Rabies Virus (CVS-11 Strain)(Pathology)
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- Cytological and Bacteriological Observation of Tracheal Aspirates and Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid Obtained from Thoroughbred Racehorses with Pneumonia Associated with Transport
- Research on Pharmacokinetics in Racehorses : Tissue Distribution of Gentamicin
- Impact of Dynamic Stress due to Exercise on Horn Tubule Density of the Hoof Wall
- The Impact of Restricted Movement on Tendon Tissue Maturity of Horses : Changes in Distribution Patterns of Collagen Fibril Diameter
- Establishment and Evaluation of Clinical Pathology and Clinical Bacteriology Test Methods for Bacterial Pneumonia in Racehorses
- Characterization of Immune Cell Populations in Lymph Nodes of Horses Infected with Bacterial, Viral and Protozoal Pathogens
- Ultrastructure Morphological Images of the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon (SDFT) of Thoroughbreds Foals Subjected to Exercise during Growth
- A Case in which Nodular Productive Necrotic Inflammation of the Small Intestine Developed from Ectopia Colic
- Clinical Pathological Study of a Case of Pneumonia in which Obligate Anaerobes were Isolated
- Ultrastructural Analysis of Tendon Cells in the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendons of Horses
- A Gross Study of Lamellar Wedge Development in Equine Laminitis
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- Clinico-Pathological Effects of Atmospheric Ammonia Exposure on Horses
- Study of Conditions for Immuno-Histochemical Examination in Cases of West Nile Virus Infection of Horses
- Mass Poisoning of Horses Caused by Caixeta (Simarouba) Shavings 2. Reproducible Tests Aimed at Identifying Cause
- Pathology of Aortic-Iliac Thrombosis in Two Horses
- 馬の甲状腺C細胞腺腫, 髄様癌および濾胞状腺癌の免疫組織化学的特徴
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- Larval Gnathostoma nipponicum Found in Catfish, Silurus asotus, in Aomori Prefecture, Japan
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- Pathological and Microbiological Studies of Japanese Hare (Lepus brachyurus angustidens) Naturally Infected with Francisella tularensis subsp. holarctica
- 症例報告 幽門機能異常が疑われた第四胃鼓張症の黒毛和種育成牛の2症例
- Babesia caballi in vitro培養法の改良(短報)
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- Expression of vascular permeability factor (VPF/VEGF) messenger RNA by plasma cells : Possible involvement in the development of edema in chronic inflammation
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- 日本における馬の脊髄性運動失調症に関する病理学的研究
- Pasteurella multocida および Bordetella bronchiseptica の単独あるいは混合接種により形成されたSPF新生豚の鼻甲介病変
- Chronic Sulfonylurea Treatment and Hyperglycemia Aggravate Disproportionately Elevated Plasma Proinsulin Levels in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
- A Suspected Case of Primary Splenic Malignant Lymphoma in a Racehorse
- Double DCP Fixation for the Spiral Tibial Fracture of a Racehorse
- 北日本における人の日本顎口虫感染源としての淡水魚の調査
- 青森県東部のドジョウ(Misgurnus anguillicaudatus)における日本顎口虫幼虫の季節的寄生状況
- 青森県における日本顎口虫の第1中間宿主に関する検討
- Dirofilaria immitis Infection in a Japanese Weasel, Mustela itatsi
- Prevalence of Gnathostoma nipponicum Larvae in Oncorhynchus masou (Salmonidae) and Tribolodon hakonensis (Cyprinidae) Collected from Eastern Aomori Prefecture, Japan
- Isolation and Morphological study of Trypanosoma (Megatrypanum) theileri from Bovine Peripheral Blood and Spleen in Japan
- 症例報告 好酸球性皮膚炎を発症した黒毛和種の一症例
- 輸送ストレスが雌馬のLHおよびFSH分泌に及ぼす影響について;予備的検討
- 日本顎口虫の幼虫に対する哺乳動物宿主の発見および齧歯類と食虫類における幼虫の寄生状況
- Glucosamine-induced β-cell Dysfunction : A Possible Involvement of Glucokinase or Glucose-transporter Type 2
- 自然発生ウシ食道乳頭腫の病理形態
- 牛白血病細胞の酵素組織化学的研究
- Serological Examination for Viral Infection among Young Racehorses Transported by Vehicle over a Long Distance
- Histopathological Characteristics of an Ossifying Fibroma Formed in the Maxilla of a Racehorse
- 競走馬の骨折時におけるC細胞の分布
- Spontaneous Pituitary Adenomas of the Pars Intermedia in 5 Aged Horses : Histopathological, Immunohistochemical and Ultrastructural Studies
- 競走馬の甲状腺における年齢と性差に関するC-cellの分布
- Histopathological, Immunopathological and Electron Microscopic Studies on Pig Liver Inoculated with Pasteurella multocida Dermonecrotic Toxin
- Some Epidemiological Aspects of Equine Respiratory Disease Associated with Transport
- A Case of Purulent Meningitis
- Morphological Change in the Superficial Digital Flexor Tendon (SDFT) of Racehorses in Relation to Cooling and Warming After Exercise
- 輸送熱発症馬の末梢血内に検出された神経成長因子活性
- 流産馬胎子の巨細胞を伴う特発性間質性肺炎の1例
- The Influence of Exercise Intensity on Bucked Shin Complex in Horses
- Clinical, Hematological, and Biochemical Analysis of Experimental Endotoxemia in Thoroughbred Horses
- The Changes of Serum Prostatic Tumor Marker Levels in Acute Prostatitis
- 脊髄線虫症に起因したウマの持続性勃起症
- 病理学:軟骨・類骨形成を示すイヌ口腔悪性黒色腫の病理
- 二重光子吸収測定法による競走馬の第三中手骨の骨密度測定--単一光子吸収法との比較
- Time-related Pathological Changes in Horses Experimentally Inoculated with Equine Influenza A Virus
- A Case Report of Traumatic Neuroma of the Cervical Spinal Cord in a Dog
- Extraskeletal Myxoid Chondrosarcoma with Systemic Metastasis in a Five-Month-Old Irish Setter Dog
- Time-related Pathological Changes in Horses Experimentally Inoculated with Equine Influenza A Virus
- The Possibility of Aneurism of the Anterior Mesenteric Artery with Parasitic Infection as a Site of Salmonella Abortusequi Carriage