Phytoplankton gene detection in drowned rabbits
- 論文の詳細を見る
- 2003-03-01
Abe Sumiko
Department Of Legal Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Sato Masao
Department Of Legal Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
SUZUKI Toshiyuki
Department of Surgery, Tokai University School of Medicine
Sato M
Department Of Legal Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries Research and Development Center
Department of Biochemistry 1, Fukushima Medical School
Hiraiwa Kouichi
Department Of Biochemistry Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Suto Miwako
Department Of Legal Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Hoshiai Gen-ichi
Miyagi Prefecture Fisheries Research Development Center
Department of Legal Medicine, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
ITOH Toshimitsu
Department of Biochemistry, Fukushima Medical University School of Medicine
Suzuki Toshiyuki
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agriculture The University Of Tokyo
Suzuki Toshiyuki
Department Of Biochemistry Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Nakamura Hidemasa
Department Of Legal Medicine Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Itoh Toshimitsu
Department Of Biochemistry Fukushima Medical University School Of Medicine
Department of Environmental Health, Kurume University School of Medicine
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