- 論文の詳細を見る
- 1999-04-30
- Factors Affecting the in Vitro Stability of ^C-Urea in the Urine of Rats
- 薬剤師国家試験のガイドラインについて考える
- ソフトカプセル用o/w乳剤タイプ新規基剤の開発 I ビタミンK2含有新規基剤の製剤学的評価
- Macromolecule-Macromolecule Interaction in Drug Distribution. III. Kinetic Characterization of the Uptake of Fractionated [^3H]Heparin and the Effect of Plasma Proteins in the Perfused Rat Liver
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- Difference in Saliva : Plasma Concentration Ratio of Endogenous Urea between Mandibular and Parotid Glands in Dogs
- Role of the Main Mandibular Excretory Duct in Salivary Excretion of Urea in Dogs
- Uptake of Low Molecular Weight Fractionated [^3H] Heparin by Rat Hepatocytes in the Primary Culture
- Uptake of Fluorescein Isothiocyanate (FITC)-Fractionated Heparin by Rat Parenchymal Hepatocytes in Primary Culture
- Macromolecule-Macromolecule Interaction in Drug Distribution. II. Effect of α-Glubulin on Saturable Uptake of Fractionated [^3H]Heparin by Rat Parenchymal Hepatocytes in Primary Culture
- Macromolecule-Macromolecule Interaction in Drug Distribution : Effect of α-Globulin Concentration on the Hepatic Uptake of Fractionated ^3H-heparin by Perfused Rat Liver
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- ラットにおけるリチウムの消化管吸収の制御
- Salivary Excretion of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). III. : Non-linear Kinetics of Salivary Excretion of 5-FU Following Bolus Intravenous Administration in Rats
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- Distribution of Thiourea following Intravenous and Oral Administration to Rats
- The Effect of Sacrificing Method on the Tissue Concentration of Exogeneous Creatinine in Rats
- 薬物の体内分布決定要因の定量的評価
- Influence of Anesthetic Regimens on the Intestinal Absorption of 5-Fluorouracil in Rats
- Gastric Emptying-Limited Oral Absorption of α-Linolenic Acid Administered as a Milk Fat-Globule Membrane (MFGM) Emulsion in Rats
- Evaluation of Milk Fat-Globule Membrane (MFGM) Emulsion for Oral Administration : Absorption of α-Linolenic Acid in Rats and the Effect of Emulsion Droplet Size
- Inter-organ Relation between Salivary Gland and Kidney in Lithium Excretion. IV. Saturation of Inhibitory Effect of NaCl on Ductal Reabsorption of Li^+ in Beagle Dogs
- Inter-organ Relation between Salivary Gland and Kidney in Lithium Excretion. III. Enhanced Salivary and Systemic Clearance of Li^+ by Oral Administration of NaCl in Dogs
- Salivary Excretion of 5-Fluorouracil (5-FU). V. Effect of 5-FU Concentration in Perfusate on the Salivary Excretion of 5-FU in Perfused Rat Mandibular Gland
- Inter-Strain Differences of Exogeneous Creatinine Disposition in Rats and Mice
- Effect of Hypothermia on the Disposition of Thiourea in Mice
- Elimination of Creatinine Following Intravenous Administration
- Effect of Convulsions Induced by Pentylenetetrazole or Electricity on the Dispositions of Creatinine and Urea in Rats
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- キャベジン-Uコーワの配合変化
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- 薬学教育のシステム化と高度化(日本の薬剤師像を明るくするもの)
- Influence of Urethane Anesthesia and Abdominal Surgery on Gastrointestinal Motility in Rats