National research Institute of Brewing | 論文
- Development of a Versatile Expression Plasmid Construction System for Aspergillus oryzae and Its Application to Visualization of Mitochondria
- Adenine Auxotrophic Mutants of Aspergillus oryzae : Development of a Novel Transformation System with Triple Auxotrophic Hosts
- Identification and Characterization of Scpl5, a Protein from Streptomyces coelicolor A3(2) Inducing Neurites in PC12 Cells(Biochemistry & Molecular Biology)
- Functional Expression in Aspergillus oryzae of p15, a Protein with Potent Neurite-inducing Activity in PC12 Cells(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Characterization of a Novel Fungal Protein, p15, Which Induces Neuronal Differentiation of PC12 Cells
- S19159, a Modulator of Neurite Outgrowth Produced by the Ascomycete Preussia aemulans I. Producing Strain, Fermentation, Isolation and Biological Activity
- Identification and Characterization of Porcine NP-190, a Novel Protein That Is Specifically Expressed in the Axonal Membrane during the Embryonic Period^1
- Isolation and Characterization of a 230 kDa Protein(p230) Specifically Expressed in Fetal Brains: Its Involvement in Neurite Outgrowth from Rat Cerebral Cortex Neurons Grown on Monolayer of Astrocytes
- Hop-Resistant Lactobacillus brevis Contains a Novel Plasmid Harboring a Multidrug Resistance-Like Gene
- 2Hp15 黒糖焼酎蒸留廃液の脱色処理に関する研究(廃水処理技術,一般講演)
- 2F15-1 担子菌系酵母Cryptococcus sp S-2による酵素分泌高生産系の開発(培養工学,センサー・計測工学・ロボット工学,プロセス工学,一般講演)
- Isolation and Characterization of a Yeast Cryptococcus sp. S-2 That Produces Raw Starch-digesting α-Amylase, Xylanase, and Polygalacturonase
- 3P-2003 麹菌によるラッカーゼの生産と多環芳香族炭化水素(PAHs)の分解(5a 環境浄化,修復,保全技術,一般演題,環境バイオテクノロジー,伝統の技と先端科学技術の融合)
- 3E10-5 Effect of disruption of the Aopexll genes involved in peroxisome biogenesis on Woronin body formation in Aspergillus oryzae
- Development of a Modified Positive Selection Medium That Allows to Isolate Aspergillus oryzae Strains Cured of the Integrated niaD-Based Plasmid
- Visualizing Nuclear Migration during Conidiophore Development in Aspergillus nidulans and Aspergillus oryzae : Multinucleation of Conidia Occurs through Direct Migration of Plural Nuclei from Phialides and Confers Greater Viability and Early Germination i
- Effects of Protein Transport Inhibitors on the Distribution and Secretion of the Fusion Protein RntA-EGFP in Aspergillus oryzae
- 2F14-4 Visualization and structural analysis of septal pore in Aspergillus oryzaev
- In vivo Visualization of the Distribution of a Secretory Protein in Aspergillus oryzae Hyphae Using the RntA-EGFP Fusion Protein(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)
- Visualization of Nuclei in Aspergillus oryzae with EGFP and Analysis of the Number of Nuclei in Each Conidium by FACS(Microbiology & Fermentation Technology)