Institute Of Electronics National Chiao Tung University | 論文
- Elimination of Dielectric Degradation for Chemical-Mechanical Planarization of LOW-k Hydrogen Silisesquioxane
- Back-Gating Effects on the Ga_In_P/InP/InGaAs High-Electron-Mobility Transistor
- Cation Source Dependence of Ga_In_P Growth Rate by Low-Pressure Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition
- Characterization and Reliability of Lightly-Doped-Drain Polysilicon Thin-Film Transistors with Oxide Sidewall Spacer Formed by One-Step Selective Liquid Phase Deposition
- Dimensional Effects on the Drain Current of N-and P-Channel Polycrystalline Silicon Thin Film Transistors
- New Polysilicon-Oxide-Nitride-Oxide-Silicon Electrically Erasable Programmable Read-only Memory Device Approach for Eliminating Off-Cell Leakage Current
- The Effects of Low-Pressure Rapid Thermal Post-Annealing on the Properties of (Ba, Sr)TiO_3 Thin Films Deposited by Liquid Source Misted Chemical Deposition : Instrumentation, Measurement, and Fabrication Technology
- Leakage Current Reduction of Chemical-Vapor-Deposited Ta_2O_5 Films on Rugged Polycrystalline Silicon Electrode for Dynamic Random Access Memory Application
- Effects of N_2O-Plasma Treatment of a-SiO_xN_y/a-SiN_x Gate Insulators on Electrical Stability of a-Si:H Thin-Film Transistors
- Orientation Dependence of Coherent Hole Oscillations in GaAs/AlGaAs Coupled Quantum Wells
- Molecular Beam Epitaxy Grown GaAs Bipolar-Unipolar Transition Negative Differential Resistance Power Transistor
- A Novel Thin-Film Transistor with Vertical Offset Structure
- Hydrogenated Amorphous Silicon Carbide P-I-N Thin-Film Light-Emitting Diodes with Barrier Layers Inserted at P-I Interface
- Devices Characteristics and Aggravated Negative Bias Temperature Instability in PMOSFETs with Uniaxial Compressive Strain
- Low-Pressure Crystallization of Sol-Gel-Derived PbZr_Ti_O_3 Thin Films at Low Temperature for Low-Voltage Operation
- Effects of Fluorine Incorporation on the Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability (NBTI) of P-Channel MOSFETs
- Effects of Fluorine Incorporation on the Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability (NBTI) of P-Channel MOSFETs
- Reduction of Off-State Leakage Current in Schottky Barrier Thin-Film Transistors (SBTFT) by a Field-Induced Drain
- Enhanced Negative-Bias-Temperature Instability of P-Channel Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Transistors due to Plasma Charging Damage
- Conduction Mechanisms for Off-State Leakage Current of Schottky Barrier Thin-Film Transistors (SBTFT)