小原 晃 | Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
小原 晃
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
藤本 貞毅
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
小原 晃
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
藤本 貞毅
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
石光 進
Kyoto Phramaceutical Univeristy
Ohara A
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Chara A
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
金澤 治男
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
金澤 治男
Kyoritsu College Of Pharmacy
河上 奈保子
京都薬大 衛生化学
Kawakami Naomi
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Toyama Medical And Pharmaceutical University
中川 力
Giba-geigy (japan) Limited
村上 和樹
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
坂根 万純
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
Kanazawa H
Dept. Biotechnology Faculty Of Engineering Sciences
中川 力
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
河上 奈保子
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
河上 奈保子
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
小原 晃
金沢 治男
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
山田 健司
早川 堯夫
Division of Biological Chemistry and Biologicals, National Institute of Health Sciences
藤本 貞毅
金沢 治男
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
石川 明
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
氷見 憲司
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
藤本 貞毅
後藤 博輝
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
大林 武
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
八崎 裕明
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
細田 隆司
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
山本 勇輔
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
渡辺 勝一
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
森中 喜徳
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
石光 進
竹原 潤
山本 みやび
平山 悟
Kyoto Phramaceutical Univeristy
石光 進
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
金沢 治男
Laboratory of Biochemistry, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
安達 靖子
Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
山田 健司
黒田 隆治
田中 徹
青木 香代子
Kyoto College Of Pharmacy
早川 堯夫
Division Of Biological Chemistry National Institute Of Hygienic Sciences
常国 良一
Kyoto College Of Pharmacy
川俣 孝次
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
古田 聖二
Kyoto College of Pharmacy
- Two Distinct Low-Molecular-Weight Acid Phosphatases from Rat Liver
- Inactivation of Cholinesterase by Ascorbic Acid in the Presence of Cupric Ions : A Possible Mechanism for the Inactivation of an Enzyme by the Metal-Catalyzed Oxidation System
- Nonenzymatic Glycation of Transferrin : Decrease of Iron-Binding Capacity and Increase of Oxygen Radical Production
- On the Mechanism of Inactivation of Active Papain by Ascorbic Acid in the Presence of Cupric Ions
- Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine and Salicylate by Stimulated Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes and the Accelerating Effect of Glutathione on Their Hydroxylation
- Effect of Radical Scavengers on the Inactivation of Papain by Ascorbic Acid in the Presence of Cupric Ions
- Purification and Characterization of Zinc-Dependent Acid Phosphatase from Bovine Brain
- Formation of a Hydroxyl Radical by the Myeloperoxidase-NADH-Oxygen System
- Site-Specific Inactivation of Papain by Ascorbic Acid in the Presence of Cupric Ions
- Characterization of Cationic Acid Phosphatase Isozyme from Rat Liver Mitochondria
- モルモット血清中のo-及びm-Tyrosine含量に及ぼす銅投与の影響
- Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by Myeloperoxidase-Hydrogen Peroxide System
- Accelerating Effect of Glutathione on Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by Stimulated Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes
- Tyrosine Formation from Phenylalanine by Ultraviolet Irradiation
- On the Mechanism of Inactivation of Papain by Hydroxylamine
- Studies on the Formation of 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylalanine, m-Tyrosine and o-Tyrosine from L-Phenylalanine by Rat Liver and Adrenal
- Release of Bases from Deoxyribonucleic Acid by Ascorbic Acid in the Presence of Cu^
- Subcellular Localization and Some Properties of Intermediate-Molecular-Weight Acid Phosphatase from Rat Liver
- In Vivo Studies on the Formation of m-Tyrosine and o-Tyrosine from L-Phenylalanine in Rats
- サツマイモに含まれる2種の酸性ホスファターゼの酵素学的, 物理化学的, 免疫学的性質の比較
- Formation of m-Tyrosine and o-Tyrosine from L-Phenylalanine in Various Tissues of Rats
- The Photochemical Decomposition and Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine in the Presence of Riboflavin
- Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by the Hypoxanthine-Xanthine Oxidase System
- Chymopapain. I. Oxidation of Tryptophan Residues by N-Bromosuccinimide
- Chymopapain. II. Photooxidation of Histidine Residues
- Studies on the Active Site of Papain. VIII. Photooxidation of Tryptophan Residues
- Studies on Violet-colored Acid Phosphatase : Inactivation of Soybean Enzyme by Cysteine
- Further Studies on the Properties of Violet-colored Acid Phosphatase from Soybean
- Purification and Some Properties of Violet-colored Acid Phosphatase from Spinach Leaves
- Studies on the Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by 6,7-Dimethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydropteridine
- On the Mechanism of Inactivation of Papain by Bisulfite
- The Determination of m-Tyrosine in Human Plasma by High Performance Liquid Chromatography
- Studies on the Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by the Ascorbic Acid-Hydrogen Peroxide System
- Formation of m-Tyrosine and o-Tyrosine from L-Phenylalanine by Rat Brain Homogenate
- Quantitative Analysis of the Isomers of Hydroxyphenylalanine by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography using a Fluorimetric Detector
- Studies on the Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by Hydrogen Peroxide in the Presence of Cupric Ions
- Studies on Inactivation of Papain by Ascorbic Acid in the Presence of Cupric Ions
- Nonenzymatic Hydroxylation of Phenylalanine by Ascorbic Acid and Cu^
- Quantitative Analysis of the Isomers of Hydroxyphenylalanine by Ion-exchange Chromatography