サツマイモに含まれる2種の酸性ホスファターゼの酵素学的, 物理化学的, 免疫学的性質の比較
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The significant differences were found in substrate specificity, amino acid composition and visible absorption spectra in the two enzymes. Molecular weight, carbohydrate composition, manganese content, and isoelectric point were almost similar. The two enzymes were shown not antigenitically to be identical.
- 社団法人日本農芸化学会の論文
山田 健司
藤本 貞毅
小原 晃
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
藤本 貞毅
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
藤本 貞毅
小原 晃
Ohara A
Kyoto Pharmaceutical Univ. Kyoto Jpn
Chara A
Laboratory Of Biochemistry Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
山田 健司
黒田 隆治
田中 徹
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