食品の香りの保持 (固体内の移動現象<特集>)
- 食品添加物としての、天然植物色素の酵素的安定化と、抗酸化性を中心としたそれらの付随的生理機能の解明
- Functional replacement of yeast flavocytochrome b_2 with bacterial L-lactate dehydrogenase(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- 超臨界二酸化炭素中の酵素反応による有用物質の新規効率的合成
- 超臨界二酸化炭素中における環境調和型バイオ触媒反応 (特集 環境触媒の開発と技術)
- 不斉還元における生体触媒法と化学法の違い (特集 生体触媒反応とプロセス)
- 超臨界二酸化炭素を利用した生体触媒反応の開発--リパーゼ、アルコール脱水素酵素、脱炭酸酵素の反応 (超臨界最新技術特集第6号)
- 超臨界二酸化炭素中におけるバイオプロセス (特集 超臨界二酸化炭素中における有機合成反応)
- 解説 生体触媒による有用物質変換と環境浄化
- 生体触媒による有用物質変換のメリット・デメリット (特集/生体機能性化学の最前線)
- チチカビによる立体選択的酸化還元反応
- Further Characterization of Earthworm Serine Proteases : Cleavage Specificity Against Peptide Substrates and on Autolysis
- Biodegradation of Triphenyltin by Co-Metabolism with Ethanol
- Sex Differences in Kidney Mineral Concentrations and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Rats Given High-phosphorus Feed(Food & Nutrition Sience)
- Changes in N-Acetyl-β-D-Glucosaminidase Activity in the Urine and Urinary Albumin Excretion in Magnesium Deficient Rats(Food & Nutrition Science)
- Greater Effect of Dietary Potassium Tripolyphosphate than of Potassium Dihydrogenphosphate on the Nephrocalcinosis and Proximal Tubular Function in Female Rats from the Intake of a High-phosphorus Diet
- Dissection of Centromeric DNA from Yeast Yarrowia lipolytica and Identification of Protein-Binding Site Required for Plasmid Transmission(GENETICS, MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, AND GENE ENGINEERING)
- High-Frequency Gene Replacement in Cyanobacteria Using a Heterologous rps12 Gene
- Construction and Analysis of a Recombinant Cyanobacterium Expressing a Chromosomally Inserted Gene for an Ethylene-Forming Enzyme at the psbAI Locus
- Separation of Caffeine from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with a Zeolite Membrane
- Effect of Solute Adsorption Properties on Its Separation from Supercritical Carbon Dioxide with a Thin Porous Silica Membrane
- 酵素の分離・精製 (固定化酵素・微生物に関する最近の進歩)
- Dielectric Relaxation of Aqueous Solution with Low-molecular-weight Nonelectrolytes and Its Relationship with Solution Structure
- Water Permeability of Plasma Membranes of Cultured Rice, Grape, and CH27 Cells Measured Dielectrically
- Freezing Injury of Cultured Rice Cells Analyzed by dielectric Measurement
- Activity and Activity Coefficient of Water in Aqueous Solutions and Their Relationships with Solution Structure Parameters
- Application of Shielded Hot-Wire Viscosity Sensor to Monitoring Cultivations of Xanthomonas campestris and Nicotiana tabacum BY-2
- 反応溶媒としての特性と利用 (新展開を迎える超臨界流体の工学的利用)
- 酵素反応プロセスの新領域 (バイオリアクタ-の新展開)
- 食品の香りの保持 (固体内の移動現象)
- Aspirin and Salicylic Acid Do not Inhibit Methyl Jasmonate-inducible Expression of a Gene for Ornithine Decarboxylase in Tobacco BY-2 Cells