Ca<SUP>++</SUP>-hduced Acfivation of Succhate Dehydrogenase in Regulation by Cytosol Ca<SUP>++</SUP> of Oxidative Reactions in Mitochondria
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In a preceding report, we described a series of experimental evidences indicating that an intravenous administration of calcitonin to rats produces in the kidney in situ an oxidation shift of the oxidation-reduction state of pyridine nucleotide and a rise in the energy charge of adenine nucleotides on the one hand, and a fall in Ca<SUP>++</SUP> in the cells (most likely in cytosol) on the other. The former events are suggested to represent mitochondrial reactions that occur as a consequence of the latter hormone effect. Thus, a mechanism is expected to exist by which the regula- tion by cytosol Ca<SUP>++</SUP> of mitochondrial energy metabolism comes into effect. We propose that the mechanism involves the succinoxidase system of the inner mitochondrial membrane, and the data in favor of these contentions are presented.<BR>1. The activity in isolated renal tubules of succinate oxidation was very low, in sharp contrast to the very high activity in isolated mitochondria prepared from the tubules. Because a sufficient succinate penetration into the cell appears to take place, the succinoxidase system is suggested to be functionally in a controlled state in in situ mitochondria.<BR>2. A mitochondrial preparation, which was devoid of calcium contarriination, and rendered to have a restricted activity of succinate oxidation by a previous treatment with AMP and DNP, exhibited a definite requirement for both ATP and Ca<SUP>++</SUP> in its full activation. Succinate dehydrogenase was the step that limited the overall reaction.<BR>3. In the presence of Ca++, ATP at 0.2mM caused full activation. With regard to Ca<SUP>++</SUP> in the presence of ATP, the activation curve exhibited a wide dose-response relationship, in which 0.5-0.7μmoles Ca<SUP>++</SUP> per mg mitochondrial protein caused a half of the maximal activation. Because the Ca<SUP>++</SUP> effect was demonstrable at a suitable concentration (-10<SUP>-6</SUP>M), Ca++rather than ATP is the candidate for the possible physiological regulator of this reaction.<BR>4. The Ca<SUP>++</SUP> effect required the integrity of the inner membrane and was preven-ted not by La<SUP>+++</SUP> or Pr<SUP>+++</SUP>, but by ruthenium red or high concentrations of KCl. Thus the low affinity sites for Ca<SUP>++</SUP> binding on the inner membrane are suggested as the locus which detects any changes in cytosol Ca<SUP>++</SUP>, and leads to activation or deactivation of succinate dehydrogenase. This may regulate mitochondrial energy metabolism by switching off or on the mitochondrial oxidation of DPNH.<BR>5. Similar reactions were demonstrated in mitochondria isolated either from kidney, liver, or from brain. Thus they appear to be a universal mechanism by which alterations in cytosol Ca<SUP>++</SUP> is reflected by changes in mitochondrial metabolism.
- Japan Society of Clinical Chemistryの論文
江沢 郁子
木村 哲
尾形 悦郎
久貝 信夫
尾形 悦郎
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