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A new hypnotic, 450191-S, is a ring-opened benzodiazepine derivative. It is knownthat the unchanged drug is not detected in plasma and urine after oral administration ofthis drug to humans, and that the metabolites of 450191-S, M-1, M-2, M-A, M-3, and M-4are found in plasma and mainly M-4 is excreted in urine. Some papers have shown thatthe main active metabolites of 450191-S are M-1, M-2, M-A, and M-3.<BR>This paper deals with the pharmacokinetics of 450191-S in healthy volunteers . Plasmahalf-lives of metabolites of 450191-S were M-1, 1.2±0.5hr;M-2, 3.2±0.8hr;M-A, 5.0±1.2hr;M-3, 8.5±1.Ohr;and M-4, 1.7±0.1hr (mean±SD).The half-life of total activemetabolites (the sum of the plasma concentration of M-1, M-2, M-A, and M-3) was 10.5±2.6hr.Plasma concentration of each metabolite after administration of 0.5, 1, 2, 4mgof 450191-S was approximately proportional to the dose. Mean urinary excretion ratio of M-4 was 62. 3% of the dose. Effect of food on the pharmacokinetic parameters was notfound. Plasma concentration of each metabolite after multiple administration showed asimilar time course to the simulation curve calculated using pharmacokinetic parametersestimated from observed plasma concentrations after the first dose. Plasma protein binding ratios measured by ultrafiltration at 37° were M-1, 79.3%;M-2, 81.2-87.5%;M-A, 76.8-78.7%;M-3, 80.8-81.4%;and M-4, 88.9-89.7%.
小南 悟郎
飯島 壽佐美
山口 敏朗
塩野義製薬(株) 新薬研究所
尾熊 隆嘉
山田 秀雄
東 純一
菅野 浩一
河野 昌雄
坂本 浩二
苗村 育郎
小南 悟郎
塩野義製薬 (株)
飯島 壽佐美
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- 新しい睡眠薬450191-Sの健常達人における薬物速度論的研究
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- Clinico-pharmacological study in normal subjects of piracetam.
- Pharmacokinetics of 480156-S in healthy volunteers.
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- Pharmacokinetics of a novel hypnotic, 450191-S, in elderly patients.
- Urinaly concentration of S-1108 following oral administration.
- Usage of vancomycin hydrochloride for old patients.
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- Absorption dynamics of 7432-S, a cephem antibiotic.
- Pharmacokinetics of 480156-S in elderly patients.
- Immunoradiometric Assay for Group II Phospholipase A2
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- Clinico-pharmacological research in normal subjects of a new antianxiety agent, DN-2327.
- Effects of Ethanol on Metabolism of Benzodiazepine Hypnotics.
- Pharmacokinetics of a new hypnotic, 450191-S in Macaca mulatta.
- Comparison of blood pharmacodynamics by the aging of beagle dogs.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Blood level of benzodiazepine when a benzodiazepine sleeping pill and ethanol are taken together.
- タイトル無し
- タイトル無し
- Pharmacokinetics of a new hypnotic, 450191-S in elderly patients.
- Elucidation of human serum protein binding and of lisinopril, an angiotensin convertin enzyme inhibitor, and binding proteins.
- Consciousness difference and necessity in man and woman of the volunteer in phase 1 clinical trial. From the questionnaire of the Osaka clinical pharmacology laboratory.
- Protein binding of a new hypnotic, rilmazafone hydrochloride.