Pharmacokinetics of Malotilate in Compensated or Decompensated Cirrhotic Patients.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Malotilate, an agent used for the treatment of liver disease, is extensively metabolized; the pharmacokinetic profile of malotilate is ready altered in patients with liver diseases. The differences in pharmacokinetic profiles of malotilate between compensatory and noncompensatory liver cirrhosis patients were estimated. During repeat oral administrations of malotilate (200 mg three times daily for seven days), the plasma concentration of unchanged malotilate, M-1 and M-3 increased remarkably in the noncompensatory liver cirrhosis patients compared to that in the compensatory group.Plasma concentration of M-6 and urinary excretion of M-6 decreased with the impairment of liver functions; this was particularly true of in non compensatory liver cirrhosis patients.
- 一般社団法人 日本臨床薬理学会の論文
伯水 英夫
第一製薬株式会社 創剤代謝研究所
中岡 稔
第一製薬株式会社 代謝分析研究所
五十嵐 省吾
鈴木 亘
伯水 英夫
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