Assay of serum collagen markers in chronic liver diseases and liver cancer.
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In order to identify the most useful marker to diagnose hepatic fibrosis, type III procollagen peptide (P-III-P), lamininP1, and prolyl-hydroxylase (PH) in sera obtained from patients with liver diseases were simultaneously measured and compared with histological features of chronic hepatitis and with tumor size estimated on abdomical CT scan. Furthere more, the diagnostic accuracy of these markers was evaluated by using discriminant analysis.P-III-P and lamininP1 were closely correlated with the activity of chronic hepatitis. These two markers most accurately discriminated between the compensated stage of liver cirrhosis and the decompensated stage, and between liver cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. LamininP1 was found to most clearly distinguish chronic hepatitis from liver cirrhosis. P-III-P was significantly correlated with the size of hepatocellular carcinoma. However, PH failed to discriminate among liver diseases, and showed no significant correlation with a liver tumor size. And none of the markers examined were correlated with a degree of hepatic fibrosis. From these results, the analysis of both serum P-III-P and lamininP1 is a useful approach to evaluate hepatic collagen metabolism.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
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