- 論文の詳細を見る
In the course of studies on the occurrence of antithyroid antibodies in various thyroid disorders, serum antibodies to microsome of thyroid epithelial cells, as well as circulating antibodies to thyroglobulin, are demonstrated by tanned red cell hemaggulutination.<BR>These thyroglobulin and microsome-coated tanned red blood cells can be efficiently demonstrated with a commercially prepared reagent. (Fuji-Zoki Co.) <BR>The sera of 2,350 normal subjects were tested by these thyroid autoantibodies tests.<BR>Fifty-one (2.3 per cent) of the sera of 2,350 normal subjects showed a positive reaction for thyroglobulin antibodies, and fifty-nine (2.5 per cent) persons showed a positive reaction for microsomal antibodies.<BR>The incidence of thyroglobulin and microsomal antibodies in males and females were progressively greater with age, particularly between ages 60 to 69.
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