機能性甲状腺結節 (Autonomous Functioning Thyroid Nodule) 及び周辺組織におけるヨード代謝
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A 53 year old female with an autonomous functioning thyroid nodule was studied for pituitary thyrotropin response to TRH and chemical analysis of the thyroid tissue. <SUP>131</SUP>I thyroid scintigram showed that the <SUP>131</SUP>I uptake was much higher in the nodule than in the surrounding tissue. She had normal value for serum T<SUB>3</SUB> and T<SUB>4</SUB> and also had normal TSH response to 500 μg TRH. Pituitary TSH secretion in response to exogenous TRH was not suppressed, but <SUP>131</SUP>I uptake of surrounding thyroid tissue was considerably suppressed. These data indicate that at a certain level, T<SUB>3</SUB> or T<SUB>4</SUB> secreted from the nodule may influence <SUP>131</SUP>I uptake of para-nodular tissue more sensitively than pituitary response to exogenous TRH and suggest the existence of a "short-loop" negative feedback mechanism in the thyroid gland. <BR>Immediately after surgery, nodular and para-nodular tissue were homogenized separately. Thyroid soluble proteins from both portions were fractionated respectively by sucrose gradient density ultra centrifugation, and the thyroglobulin content and the degree of iodination were determined. The thyroid soluble protein was also digested with pronase anaerobically and chromatographed, then subjected to the determination of <SUP>127</SUP>I distribution among each iodoamino acid. <BR>The thyroglobulin content of the nodule was slightly lower than that of normal tissue but its degree of iodination and iodoamino acid distribution were similar to those of the normal thyroid. Photomicrograph of the nodular tissue revealed columnar epithelium and many vacuoles. This may suggest that the acceleration of hormone release is a primary alteration rather than hormone synthesis in the tissue of the autonomous functioning thyroid nodule. The thyroglobulin content and degree of iodination of para-nodular tissue were even lower than those in normal thyroid tissue, suggesting decreased hormone synthesis probably due to a "short-loop" negative feedback and/or slight inhibition of basal secretion of TSH, if present.
- 一般社団法人 日本内分泌学会の論文
岡村 建
久次 武晴
井上 謙次郎
白水 明代
自見 雅文
江頭 芳樹
尾前 照雄
尾前 照雄
九州大学医学部 第二内科
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- 機能性甲状腺結節 (Autonomous Functioning Thyroid Nodule) 及び周辺組織におけるヨード代謝
- タイトル無し
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