- 論文の詳細を見る
Eleven patients diagnosed of subacute thyroiditis and other two patients suspected initially of subacute thyroiditis were reported and discussed. Eight patients of subacute thyroiditis have been first seen by internist and rest of them have been seen by otorhinolaryngologist of Kyushu University Hospital last five years. It is interesting to note that the patients having rather atpical symptoms and signs of subacute thyroiditis tended to visit otorhinolaryngology clinic, and the patients are given working diagnoses of acute otitis media, acute tonsillitis and so on. Two patients visited otorhinolaryngology clinic with painful tumor who received working diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis were finally found to have neck abscess and Hashimotos disease, respectively.For exact diagnosis of subacute thyroiditis, besides checking thyroid mass, necessity of a battery of examination including BMR, blood T3, T4, TSH, 131I-uptake and ESR are stressed.
- 社団法人 日本耳鼻咽喉科学会の論文
家守 千鶴子
井上 謙次郎
家守 千鶴子
牧嶋 和見
井上 謙次郎
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