妊娠性蛋白SP<SUB>1</SUB> (β<SUB>1</SUB>-SP<SUB>1</SUB>-glycoprotein) のRadioimmunoassayに関する基礎的, 臨床的研究
- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to measure (β<SUB>1</SUB>-SP1-glycoprotein (SP1), on RIA system by the 2-antibody method was established as a measuring method of the low concentration range. SP1 concentrations were measured by this method in the sera of women in early pregnancy, in the amniotic fluids of late pregnancy, in the sera of umbilical cord blood of full term new-born babies, and in the sera of malignant tumour patients. Furthermore, SP1 concentrations in the sera of women in early pregnancy as well as E2, E3, progesterone and HCG concentrations in the same samples were measured, and correlations between them were examined.<BR>1) The minimum sensitivity of this measuring system was 3ng/ml. The optimum concentration of samples was between 10-660ng/ml.<BR>2) The correlation between the data obtained by this RIA method and the SRID method was as close as r = 0.9287.<BR>3) SP1 concentrations in the sera of women in early pregnancy were 0.17±0.12μg/ml in the fifth week of pregnancy, showing an almost straight increase during the course of pregnancy, and were 31.62 ± 3.20μg/ml in the 13th week of pregnancy.<BR>4) SP1 concentrations in amniotic fluids were 1.09-2.20μg/ml and were equal to about 1% of SP1 concentrations in the sera of women in late pregnancy. SP1 concentrations in the sera of umbilical cord blood were 0.13-0.35μg/ml, which were equal to about 0.1% of SP1 concentrations in the sera of women in late pregnancy.<BR>5) SP1 was detected in all four samples of the choriocarcinoma patients' sera, and the concentrations were 25-2,600ng/ml. SP1 was detected in 6 of the 15 samples of the cervical carcinoma patients' sera, and the detection rate was 40%. SP1 was detected in 3 of the 6 samples of the leukemia patients' sera and 1 of the 4 samples of the prostatic cancer patients' sera. SP1 detection rates and concentrations appeared to increase in the sera of cervical carcinoma and leukemia patients in accordance with the progress of the diseases.<BR>6) SP1 concentrations in the sera of women in early pregnancy were not correlative to measured E2 and E3 concentrations in the same samples, but there was a significant correlation with progesterone and HCG concentrations. The RIA method for measuring SP1, which we have established, is available for measuring SP1 in the low concentration range. The method is expected to be applied clinically, such as in examinations in early pregnancy, and will be available in fundamental studies such as attempts to measure the SP1 movement in malignant tumour patients, in cooperation with studies of the meaning of SP1 production at pregnancy.
- 日本内分泌学会の論文
村田 和平
杉山 陽一
伊東 雅純
早川 滋彦
山口 博司
西山 幸男
能勢 義正
今泉 博充
前田 一範
西山 幸男
今泉 博充
能勢 義正
西山 幸男
村田 和平
杉山 陽一
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- 159. 腟断端に発生した類上皮筋腫の1例(第34群 : 婦人科, 示説, 第23回日本臨床細胞学会秋季大会記事)
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- 200.妊娠血清中のpregnancy-associated plasma protein A(PAPP-A)の動態に関する研究 : 第34群 妊娠・分娩・産褥 IV (199〜204)
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- 343.正常妊娠および異常妊娠,特に流産例におけるSP_1,HPLおよびHCGの絨毛組織内局在に関する検討 : 第69群 妊娠・分娩・産褥 X(340〜343)
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- 妊婦尿中のpregnancy-specific β_1-glycoprotein(SP_1)に関する研究
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- 93.妊娠性蛋白SP_1(Pregnency-specific β_1-gly-coprotein)および,SP_3(α_2-AP-glycoprotein)の分離精製とその基礎的,臨床的検討(第3報) : 第25群妊娠分娩産褥・基礎II
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- 260.妊孕現象の成立・維持機構に関する免疫学的検討 : 第70群免疫・産科I
- 270. マウスにおけるSP_1-βの標的臓器に関する検討 : 第47群 妊娠・分娩・産褥 X
- 妊婦血清よりのSP_1の分離精製法およびその過程に検出されたγ分画SP_1の検討
- 76. ヒト胎盤ラクトーゲン(hPL)のheterogeneityに関する検討 : 第13群 内分泌 I (72〜78)
- 酵素抗体法を用いたラット胎盤におけるSP_1抗原様物質の局在に関する検討
- 妊娠性蛋白 (現代基礎産科婦人科学) -- (産科学)
- 腫瘍マ-カ-としてのSP1およびSP3 (悪性腫瘍マ-カ-とその臨床応用)
- 妊娠性蛋白SP1,SP3とは
- 妊娠後期妊婦とくにhigh risk妊婦における管理法に関する検討
- 妊娠中毒症妊婦において帝王切開術後に発生したモヤモヤ病の1症例
- 糖尿病合併妊婦における血糖の自己測定と持続皮下インスリン注入療法の有用性
- 57 妊婦唾液および胃液中のSP_1 (pregnancy specific β_1-glycoprotein) 濃度に関する検討
- 193. Cyclic GMP-stimulated Cyclic Nucleotide Phosphodiesteraseの構造と機能について : 第34群 内分泌 VI
- 264.妊婦におけるAntibody Dependent Cellmediated Cytotoxicity の検討 : 第71群免疫・産科II
- 38.三重県における子宮癌集団検診 : 過去10年間の成績について(婦人科11, 一般講演, 第21回日本臨床細胞学会総会記事)
- 230 子宮内膜の脱落膜化過程におけるEpidermal growth Factor(EGF)の生物学的作用に関する研究
- 妊婦血清中のpregnancy-associated plasma protein A(PAPP-A)の動態に関する研究
- 生殖内分泌および周産期医学領域におけるインスリンの意義
- 正常妊婦・妊婦中毒症妊婦における血液凝固学的研究 : 特に血小板機能と血液粘度について
- 糖代謝異常を疑われる妊婦に対する検査,診断と処置
- 産褥期における症候群 (症候群の取扱いをめぐって)
- 輸血の適応と手技 (輸血と全身管理(実地臨床手技のエッセンス))
- 妊娠個体における焦性ブドウ酸代謝に関する実験的研究
- 妊娠,分娩時におけるcAMP/cGMP ratioの推移とその意義について
- 妊娠性蛋白SP2(β1-SP1-glycoprotein)のRadioimmunoassayに関する基礎的,臨床的研究
- 胎児発育環境におけるcyclic nucleotides代謝 : 胎児血小板機能に及ぼすPGI_2(prostacyclin)様物質の意義について
- 胎児血液循環におけるPGI_2(prostacyclin)の生理的意義
- 妊娠後期婦人における糖負荷時のC-peptide反応について
- 妊娠性蛋白SP1 (β1-SP1-glycoprotein) のRadioimmunoassayに関する基礎的, 臨床的研究
- 各種妊娠性蛋白の妊娠初期および末期の絨毛組織内濃度に関する検討
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- タイトル無し
- Influences of Pregnancy on Serum Insulin:Serum C-peptide and Plasma Glucagon during Glucose and Arginine Tolerance Tests
- 妊娠時の糖代謝に関する内分泌学的検討:とくにInsulinおよびC-peptideについて
- Relation of the Concentration of Pregnancy Protein Sp1 (β1-SP1-glycoprotein) and SP3 (α2AP-glycoprotein) to Placental Function