Diisopropyl 1,3-dithiol-2-ylidene malonate(NKK-105)の薬理学的研究-5-Ethionine脂肪肝に及ぼす影響について
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We investigated the effects of combined administration or after treatment of NKK-105 and its rerated compounds on the ethionine-induced fatty liver in the rats, and obtained the following results.<BR>1) The liver/body weight ratio decreased by the administration of ethionine (250mg/ kg, s. c. daily for 4 days) .<BR>An decrease of liver/body weight ratio by ethionine inhibited by the administration of NKK-105 and its related compounds with a dose of 50 mg/kg, p.o. But NKK-105 and its related compounds 250 mg/kg, p.o. administered group showed an increase of liver/body weight ratio more than control group.<BR>2) Ethionine administered group showed a decrease in protein contents of liver and serum.<BR>NKK-105 and its related compounds inhibited the decrease of protein by the administration of ethionine, especially in NKK-105, 250 mg/kg, p. o. administered group and it was showed an increase of protein more than control group.<BR>3) The liver lipid contents of ethionine administered group showed a significantly increase in total lipid (TL), total choresterol (TC) and triglyceride (TG) and a decrease in phospholipid (PL) .<BR>NKK-105 and its related compounds inhibited the increase of TL, TC and TG and decrease of PL by the administration of ethionine.<BR>4) The serum lipid contents of ethionine administered group showed a decrease of TL, TC, TG and PL.<BR>NKK-105 and its related compounds inhibited the decrease of serum lipid contents by the administration of ethionine. NKK-105, 250 mg/kg, p.o. administered group showed an increase of over control group.<BR>5) The rise of serum transaminase activity was observed by the administration of ethionine. This transaminase activity rising action of ethionine was inhibited by the admi-nistration of NKK-105 and its related compounds.<BR>6) Histologic examination of ethionine-induced fatty liver showed a diffusional fatty degeneration and centrilobular necrosis.<BR>NKK-105 showed an inhibitory effect of these histological response to ethionine administration.
- 学校法人 昭和大学・昭和医学会の論文
岡崎 雅子
栗本 忠
中山 貞男
加藤 仁
酒井 節代
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