- 論文の詳細を見る
Auditory brainstem responses were recorded in 8 normal adult subjects by two different recording methods. The difference between the two methods was the position of the reference (negative) electrode, the earlobe ipsilateral to stimulation for one method and the epipharynx for the other, with the vertex electrodes as the common active (positive) and the nasion electrodes as the common ground. The waveforms and amplitudes of each component obtained by each recording method were compaired between the two, and the following results were obtained;1) As for the probability of wave I, the method in which the epipharynx serves as the reference was less sensitive than the other method in which the earlobe serves as the reference.2) As for the probability of wave V, however, the former method was more sensitive than the latter method, resulting in easy identification of wave V as well as in improvement of its threshold for detection.3) The interference of the myogenic response of the post-auricular muscle in the later half of ABR was less in the former method than that in the latter.
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