- 論文の詳細を見る
Ten cases of traumatic visual disturbance were operated on with optic canal decompression by the transethmoidal approach between the years 1975-1980, in the clinic of Kinki University School of Medicine. The results of a retrospective study of these cases were summarized as followed:1. The patients consisted of 9 males and 1 female. The most prominent cause of the trauma of these cases was traffic accidents during either bicycle or motorcycle driving, numbering 7 out of 10 cases.2. Roentgenological examination revealed optic canal fractures in 5 cases, and fractures of the optic canal were identified during the operation in 7 cases including these 5.3. In 6 patients who had imcomplete loss of visual acuity and no intraocular lesions, some improvement was gained after the operation. Especially, in the 3 patients who were operated on within 10 days after injury, the degree of improvement was significantly better.4. Our experience ascertained that some critical factors such as the interval between operation and injury and the degree of impairment of visual acuity seem to determine the functional prognosis after the operative treatment.5. The method of optic canal decompression under the surgical microscope by the transethmoidal approach is the best operation which, performed in the early stages after injury, contributes greatly to an improved prognosis.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
太田 文彦
宮前 雅明
北野 康雄
山内 盛雄
太田 文彦
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