Azelastine in the Treatment and Prevention of Seasonal Grass Pollinosis.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Azelastine was administered to 36 patients with grass pollinosis (timothy and orchard grass) for prevention and treatment.In the patients who started before the beginning of the pollen season, azelastine was very effective, and the rate of prevention of nasal and ocular symptoms of allergy was over 90%. When azelastine treatment was initiated after the onset of allergic symptoms the rate of improvement was not so high.Side effects appeared in only 3 patients (8.3%), mainly somnolence.These results indicate that azelastine therapy before the beginning of the pollen season is a useful method to prevent the symptoms of grass pollinosis.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
中野 雄一
中村 英生
石川 和光
日本歯科大学新潟歯学部 歯薬理
長谷川 聡
佐藤 克郎
山岸 益夫
佐藤 充
鈴木 正治
星野 哲也
佐藤 斎
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