- 論文の詳細を見る
Of 12 patients with perilymph fistula, 10 (83%) had cochlear symptoms, 6 (50%) had vestibular symptoms, and 4 (33%) had both. Vestibular function tests revealed direction-fixed positional nystagmus in 9 patients (75%), canal paresis (CP) in 6 (50%) and Hennebert's sign in one (8%). There was a wide variety of type and severity of hearing loss.The outcome of the vestibular symptoms was quite good. Eleven patients (91%) were cured, but positional nystagmus and a positive Mann's test tended to persist for a long time, and CP did not improve. The stepping test was apt to become negative. Improvement of hearing was recorded in only 50%. Five patients underwent surgery, but there was no relationship between the improvement of hearing and operation.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
中野 雄一
藤岡 治
五十嵐 秀一
小出 千秋
北村 哲也
猪股 茂樹
- テマトロバンの鼻アレルギー臨床第III相試験 : テルフェナジンとの比較
- 真珠腫性中耳炎への対応 : 乳突腔充填術式を中心に
- 中耳炎初期における好中球と活性酸素の組織障害性について
- 機能性難聴における持続音と断続音の域値差
- 前庭水管拡大症の3症例
- 乳様突起単削開術後における乳突起の組織学的変化 : ブタを用いた実験的研究
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- 心因性発声障害を伴った心因性難聴の2症例
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- 外傷性鼓膜穿孔症例の臨床的検討
- 鼓膜穿孔を伴う鼓室繊維症
- 慢性副鼻腔炎でのCAM少量長期投与の効果
- 保存的な治療の立場から
- 高齢者慢性副鼻腔炎の検討
- 小青竜湯の通年性鼻アレルギーに対する効果-二重盲検比較試験-
- コレステリン肉芽腫
- 中耳炎の病型
- 鼻・副鼻腔に発生したhemangiopericytomaの2例
- 外耳道・中耳悪性腫瘍21症例の検討
- コレステリン肉芽腫の病態 : 乳突蜂巣粘膜の電子顕微鏡による観察
- 小児滲出性中耳炎に対する鼓室チューブ留置術の検討 : 長期留置型と短期留置型の比較
- 高齢者滲出性中耳炎の臨床的検討
- 急性に発症した心因性難聴9症例の検討
- 心因性発声障害を伴った心因性難聴の2症例
- 乳突腔充填術式を中心に
- 4) めまいと自律神経機能 (〈シンポジウム〉自律神経障害の診断と治療 : その新しい展開
- 慢性中耳炎に続発せる壊死性側頭骨炎
- コレステリン肉芽腫
- 手術か保存療法かの選択をめぐって (小児の慢性中耳炎の処置)
- 若年小児の真珠腫
- Laryngomicrosurgeryの経験(臨床ノート)
- 鼓室成形術のコツ 3型変法について(臨床ノート)
- アブミ骨摘出術(Stapedectomy)における連鎖再建の問題 とくに代用アブミ骨として軟骨を使用した症例を中心に
- 末梢性前庭機能異常症例の神経耳科学的臨床統計--メニエ-ル病,良性発作性頭位めまい,突発性難聴を中心に (前庭機能異常の研究-1-)
- めまい症例に対する筋緊張弛緩剤Tolperisone Hydrochloride(Muscalm)の治療効果
- めまい症例に対するCinnarizine(Roin)の治験
- 聴神経腫瘍を伴なわない内耳道拡大例
- 脳幹性難聴の診断について
- ストレプトマイシンによる前庭耳毒性に対するATPの効果
- デキストラン鉄の内耳移行について
- 不規則跳躍視標追跡検査による衝動性眼球運動の定量分析
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- Polyethylene Prosthesesを利用した鼓室成形術の遠隔成績の検討(鳥居恵二名誉教授喜寿記念論文)
- 両側性顔面神経麻痺の2症例
- Glomus jugulare tumorの2症例
- 内耳疾患に対するATP,DPNの効果に関する実験的ならびに臨床的研究-1-
- 治療面からみた感音難聴並びにアデノシン(ボニトン)の効果
- 強音刺激と蝸牛軸血管
- Acoustic Tumor Simulating Meniere's Disease; A Case Report.:A Case Report
- 121.グリセロールテストとフロセミドテストの比較検討
- 軟骨鼓室成形術-53-耳の観察
- Examination of human olfactory epithelium in patients with olfactory disturbance caused by common cold - Immunohistochemical findings.:-Immunohistochemical Findings-
- Early diagnosis of small acoustic tumors.
- Part 2. The Possibility of Control for Hearing Deterioration:A Case of Vertebral Artery Insufficiency Accompanied by Fluctuating Hearing Impairment
- A case of maxillary carcinoma with intracranial invasion complicated by SIADH.
- Problems of the Open Mastoid Cavity.
- A case of osteogenic sarcoma of left nasal cavity following treatment for familial retinoblastoma.
- Cholesteatoma with Hunt's syndrome.
- Relationships among olfactory epithelium appearance, olfactory test results and prognosis. Analysis of eight patients with olfactory disturbances caused by the common cold.:-Analysis of Eight Patients with Olfactory Disturbances Caused by the Common Cold-
- Surgical Treatment of Chronic Sinusitis with Olfactory Disturbance.
- Examination of the Olfactory Cleft in Congenital Anosmia.
- The Observations of Dividing Cells and Basal Cells in the Olfactory Epithelium. Using Immunohistochemical Double Staining Method.:-Using Immunohistochemical Double Staining Method-
- Olfactory Epithelium Affected by Long-Term Administration of Tegafur.
- Impairment of olfactory epithelium treated with Chlorhexidine digluconate (Hibitane) - Postoperative olfactory disturbances after Hardy's operation and results of experimental study.:Postoperative olfactory disturbances after Hardy's operation and results
- タイトル無し
- Clinical and Pathological Study on Neck Masses.
- タイトル無し
- Effect of Dilazep dihydrochloride in patients with vertigo.
- 副咽頭間隙の腫瘤性病変と手術的アプローチ
- A case of nasopharyngeal carcinoma complicated by SIADH following intravenous cisplatin administration.
- Examination results in patients with olfactory disturbance of unknown origin. Immunohistochemical findings.:-Immunohistochemical Findings-
- Autonomic Nerve Function in Patients with Vertigo; Dynamic Evaluation of RR Interval.:Dynamic Evaluation of RR Interval
- Computerized tomography in central nervous lesions and disturbances in the oculomotor system
- Quantitative Measurement of the Skipping Eye Tracking Test (Preliminary Report)
- Incidence and clinical features of otitis media with effusion in children aged three to five year.
- obliterative Method
- Hydroxyapatite Ventilation Tube for the Treatment of Otitis Media with Effusion.
- External Otitis Granulation due to Foreign Body; A Report of Two Cases.
- Tuberculous otitis media - A case report.
- タイトル無し
- Otoneurological findings in three patients with brainstem neoplasms who presented with symptoms of acoustic tumors.
- Azelastine in the Treatment and Prevention of Seasonal Grass Pollinosis.
- A case of tullio phenomenon.
- 小児顔面神経麻痺の臨床的検討
- Importance of reattachment between the olfactory bulb and nerve after axotomy.
- Ultrastructural study of olfactory epithelium of a patient with olfactory disturbance caused by the common cold.
- 外リンパ瘻の臨床像-神経耳科学的所見と予後について-
- Plexus cochlearisとその機能(鳥居恵二名誉教授喜寿記念論文)
- Misdiagnosed Bell's palsy.
- Clinical effects of Metharmon-F in middle-aged females with abnormal sensation in the pharyngolaryngeal region.
- ラマトロバンの鼻アレルギー臨床第皿相試験-テルフェナジンとの比較-
- 上咽頭癌の早期診断