Clinical evaluation of Alprazolam for abnormal sensation in the throat.
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A double blind test was carried out to evaluate the efficacy of Alprazolam (a minor tranquilizer) on abnormal sensation in the throat. Alprazolam and inactive placebo were administered to two groups of 75 patients each with abnormal sensation in the throat for two weeks.The therapeutic effect of the medication was evaluated at the end of the first and second week of administration and one week after the termination of the treatment. It was considered to be markedly effective when the abnormal sensation improved subjectively 80% or more, effective if there was 50%-80% improvement, slightly effective at 20%-50% and not effective if improvement was less than 20%.In 3 of the 75 patients receiving Alprazolam and in 2 of the 75 receiving inactive placebo, side effects such as drowsiness or nausea were so severe that the medication had to be suspended.Among the remaining 72 patients treated with Alprazolam, the medication was very effective in 25% and effective in 29% at the end of the first week. Among the 73 patients treated with inactive placebo, the figures were 8% and 37%, respectively. These results show the very rapid effect of Alprazolam. As expected, the Alprazolam was effective in neurotic patients. However, one week after the termination of Alprazolam administration markedly effective and effective scores were noted in 31% and 28%, respectively. In the placebo group the corresponding figures were 44% and 19%. This sort of rebound was a major limitation of the treatment of this condition by a minor tranquilizer.The present study indicates that Alprazolam can be effective in the therapy of abnormal sensation in the throat as long as its merits and demerits are recognized.
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