鼻副鼻腔悪性腫瘍の臨床的観察 (三吉康郎教授開講20周年記念論文集)
- 論文の詳細を見る
Two hundred and eighty-seven patients with malignant tumor of the nose and paranasal sinuses were treated at the Department of Otolaryngology, Mie University Hospital, during the 26 years from 1955 to 1980.These cases were analysed clinically and the following results were obtained.1. There were 256 cases (89.2%) of malignant tumor which originated in the maxillary sinus, 24 cases (8.4%) in the nasal cavity, 5 (1.7%) in the ethmoid sinus, 2 in the frontal sinus and 1 in the sphenoid sinus.2. There were 170 males and 117 females (1.45:1) and the majority of the patients were distributed by age in the 6th, 5th and 7th decades of life.3. Swelling of the cheek was the most common and characteristic symptom of maxillary tumor. Nasal obstruction was most commonly encountered in the case of the tumor of the nasal cavity.4. The crude five-year survival rate of all the cases was 28.6%. Histopathologically, the prognosis of those with epithelial tumor was better than that with nonepithelial tumor.5. The classification for the tumor of the maxillary sinus proposed by Sakai was used in this study. The five-year survival rate of Stage II (63.9%) was distinctly better than those of Stage III (29.5%) and Stage IV (6.1%).6. The five-year survival rate for the maxillary tumor treated by irradiation and surgery was 42.2%. On the other hand, the ratio for the maxillary tumor treated by intraarterial infusion of anti-neoplastic agents with irradiation and antrostomy was 22.7%.7. The authors proposed a regimen of therapy for the maxillary cancer with intra-arterial infusion of anti-neoplastic agents and irradiation followed by radical surgery. The two-year experience of this regimen is encouraging.
- 耳鼻咽喉科臨床学会の論文
山際 幹和
浜口 富美
三吉 康郎
坂倉 康夫
三井 洋
野崎 秋一
鵜飼 幸太郎
三吉 康郎
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- タイトル無し
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- Clinical study of abnormal sensation in the throat.
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- Sensation of a lump in the throat elicited by atropine sulfate injection.
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- Effect of Saibokuto on abnormal sensation in the throat.
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- Clinical evaluation of Alprazolam for abnormal sensation in the throat.