Habitats of Picea sect. Picea, Abies sachalinensis Mast., and Larix gmelinii (Rupr.) Rupr. during the Late Glacial, Reconstructed from Buried Forests Below the To-HP Tephra, Northern Japan.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Habitats of Picea sect. Picea, Abies sachalinensis, and Larix gmelinii during the Late Glacial were reconstructed based on plant macro-fossil assemblages including autochthonous moss fossils buried below the Towada-Hachinohe Pyroclastic Fall Deposits (To-HP: approx. 13, 000 14C yrs BP) in three study sites of Aomori Prefecture, northern Japan: Ooyasawa, Towada, and Kuroishi.Reconstructed paleovegetations consisted ofPicea sect. Picea, Abies sachalinensis, Larix gmelinii, and Betula sp. with forest floor mosses (Hylocomium splendens, Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, Pleurozium schreberi). Picea sect. Picea dominated all three study sites. While Abies sachalinensis occurred in all three studies sites, they were not the dominant species. Larix gmelinii occurred in the Ooyasawa and Towada sites, but not in Kuroishi site.Conditions of the three study sites were reconstructed as follows from the condition of lithostratigraphy and the composition of forest floor mosses. Buried peats of Ooyasawa and Towada sites were deposited on a thick silt layer with low water permeability. In addition, reconstructed forest floors were dominated by Hylocomium splendens and Rhytidiadelphus triquetrus, which are now distributed on wet forest floor. Therefore, Ooyasawa and Towada sites were wetlands. On the other hand, buried peat of Kuroishi site was deposited on a mud and gravel layer which water permeated. In addition, reconstructed forest floor mosses were characterized by Plagiomnium sp., Rhizomnium sp., and Sanionia uncinata that are now distributed on rocky habitats. Thus, the condition of Kuroishi site was rocky.From reconstructed vegetation and conditions of the three study sites, Picea sect. Picea would have been distributed over nutrientpoor wetland and rocky ground during the Late Glacial. In contrast, Abies sachalinensis may have been suited to fertile soil. Larix gmelinii were distributed over wetlands, although they are now distributed over rocky places as well as wetland. For this reason, we assumed Larix gmelinii might be grown on both wetland and rocky ground, and that heavy snowfall prevented their distribution over Kuroishi site.
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