第四紀研究と古地磁気圏学との境界領域における諸問題 (古地磁気と第四紀研究<特集号>)
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The encounter between the solar wind and the Earth's paleomagnetic field formed the paleomagnetosphere around the Earth. From a paleomagnetospherological viewpoint, the entire Quaternary Period consists of stable stages (intervals when the geomagnetic field polarity was either normal or reversed) and transition stages (transition intervals between the stable stages). Observation of the virtual geomagnetic pole during equatorial crossings in all four recent transition stages suggests that the Earth was in a perpendicular condition for about 2, 000 years during each transitional stages, i.e. the virtual dipole axis was perpendicular to the Earth's rotational axis. This observational inference is verified by a theoretical analysis of three models related to the mechanism of geomagnetic polarity reversal. The magnetosphere in the perpendicular condition is generally called the Type 3 Magnetosphere, in contrast to the Type 1 Magnetosphere in a parallel condition. It can be mathematically demonstrated that both the size and the shape of the paleomagnetosphere show drastic changes only when it changes from Type 1 to Type 3 during transitions. Several possible relationships between drastic changes of the paleomagnetosphere and observed drastic changes in paleoclimateand the fossil record during the transitional stages in the Quaternary were examined. During the transition stages, auroral particles, solar cosmic rays, and galactic cosmic rays are found to precipitate within the equatorial polar caps whose centers are situated on the geographic equator. Cro-Magnon man, in the Ice Age, left scratched drawings resembling auroral patterns on the inner walls of many Lascaux caves. An investigation is being made to determine if such drawings are related to brilliant auroral curtains that could surely have been observed by them in one of the equatorial polar caps during the geomagnetic transitional stage of the Laschamp Event. Finally, it is proposed that missing sunspot phenomena, similar to those that actually occurred in the Seventeenth to Eighteenth centuries, could possibly have also occurred during the Quaternary, giving rise to changes in paleoclimate and the paleontological and archaeological records.
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- 第四紀研究と古地磁気圏学との境界領域における諸問題 (古地磁気と第四紀研究)