Long-term Efficacy of Trilostane for Cushings Syndrome due to Adrenocorticotropin-Independent Bilateral Macronodular Adrenocortical Hyperplasia
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A 66-year-old man with Cushings syndrome due to adrenocorticotropin-independent bilateral macronodular adrenocortical hyperplasia (AIMAH) was treated for 7 years with trilostane, a 3β-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase inhibitor. Administration of trilostane reduced the serum cortisol level to around the upper limit of normal for 7 years, and symptoms of excessive glucocorticoid production (such as moon face and obesity) were gradually improved. On the other hand, the size of both adrenal glands gradually increased despite treatment with trilostane. Though trilostane therapy could not prevent adrenal growth, it did suppress cortisol secretion over the long term, so it might be a reasonable option for AIMAH in addition to adrenalectomy.
Yamamoto Koji
Department of Internal Medicine, Hattori Memorial Hospital
Matsuzawa Yuji
Department Of 2nd Internal Medicine Faculty Of Medicine Oaka University
Saisho Kenji
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Sumitomo Hospital
Yamaguchi Baden
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Sumitomo Hospital
Obata Yoshinari
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Sumitomo Hospital
Hosokawa Yoshiya
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Sumitomo Hospital
Tamba Sachiko
Department Of Endocrinology And Metabolism Sumitomo Hospital
Department of Biomaterials Science, Osaka University Graduate School of Dentistry
Yamaguchi Baden
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Sumitomo Hospital, Japan
Hosokawa Yoshiya
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Sumitomo Hospital, Japan
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