所謂内地米及び外地米の澱粉について : (第3報)陸羽132号米澱粉について
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The amyopection separated from rice starch (Nôrin No. 59) showed no increase in Brabender Unit at both heating and cooling curves, while that of amylose separated from the same starch showed the marked viscosity increase in cooling curve, and from these, results and the- pre-vious observations (This Journal: 28, 38_??_43 (1954), it was confirmed that the sum of the end straight glucosidic chain length of amylopectin and that length of amylose contained in starch separated from rice belonging to Oryza sativa L. indica is greater than the sum of starch of Oryza sativa L. japonica. The author had speculated in the previous report that the starch separated from Rikuu No. 132 rice, predominantly cultured in Northern Japan, consisted of the amylo-pectin which had longer end straight glucosidic chain length than the other non-glutinous type rice starch cultured in Japan, but this amylopectin; prepared by the SCHOCHs method, did not show the special behaviour against the iodine reaction, the amylogram, and the determination of end group with periodate oxidation. The author now is carrying a research on whether this amylopectin which is a polysaccaride of intermediate type between the normal amylose and amylopectin is present or not and also on the.moderate method for the separation of it. In some rice starch, the ratio of amylose to amylopectin attained to 1/1 while the blue value of the amylose of these starch was lower than this value of the amylose prepared from starch which had this ratio below 1/1.
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