葡萄の砂耕における肥料3要素濃度と樹体の生長並びに果実収量との関係(第2報) : 窒素と加里の施用濃度比について
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1. Experiments were carried out to clarify the shoot growth, yield and quality of fruits as relat-ed to the quantitative ratio of potassium to nitro-gen (K2O/N) in the solution of sand culture of young grape vines (Variety: Delaware). 2. On non-fruiting vines, when the nitrogen was supplied in proper concentration such as 40 to 80ppm, the ratio of potassium to nitrogen as half to quarter was the best for shoot and root growth, while that of half to one was suitable for the cluster differentiation of the following year. And the injurious effect of surplus nitrogen as applied in 160ppm was reduced by an addition of potassi-um in the same concentration. 3. On fruiting vines, yield of fruits and their quality as to weight of cluster and its color were superior when the ratio was one to two. But, on the other hand, shoot and root growth decreased with an increase of potassium as compared with nitrogen. Consequently, it is desirable to vary the ratio according to the growing stage of shoots and fruits.
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