p53 expression in colorectal adenoma and early carcinoma.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Expression of <I>p53</I> was studied immunohistologically in 25 adenomas, 46 cancers in adenoma, and 18 cancers without adenoma, which were obtained by endoscopic polypectomy or mucosal resection. Positive ratio of p53 expression was 100% in cancer without adenoma, 78.3% in cancer in adenoma, and 48% in adenoma. We divided the positive case of <I>p53</I> expression to three staining patterns, poorly stained type, focal type and diffuse type. The diffuse type was most of cancer without adenoma. In each diagnostic group there was no significant colleration between sex, age, and shape of polyp and the staining pattern. But in cancer without adenoma, there was significant colleration between size of polyp and the staining pattern, and number of the diffuse type increased as the polyp size was larger. Consequently, it was suggested that <I>p53</I> takes a role of cancerization from adenomas at every step.
- 財団法人 日本消化器病学会の論文
佐野 秀弥
幾世橋 篤
清水 昭男
高木 精一
神奈川県立がんセンター 消化器内科
本橋 修
神奈川県立がんセンター 内視鏡室
幾世橋 篤
清水 昭男
高木 精一
本橋 修
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