瀬戸内海産魚油の研究 (第1報) : サッパ油, マエソ油およびサヨリ油について (その1)
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1. <I>Harengula zunasi</I> oil.<BR>Yellowish brown oil was obtained at yield of 6.95% from Harengula (Bleeker), the characteristics of which were as follows : <BR><I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> 0.9233, <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> 1.4758, A.V. 12.3, S.V. 192.4, I.V. (Wijs) 168.1<BR>Unsaponifiables 1.34%.<BR>Solid acids were chiefly composed of C<SUB>16</SUB> acid with range of C<SUB>14</SUB>-C<SUB>22</SUB>. Liquid acids contained considerable amount of C<SUB>18</SUB>, F<SUB>2</SUB> acid and were composed of C<SUB>12</SUB>-C<SUB>22</SUB> acids of F<SUB>1</SUB>, F<SUB>2</SUB>, F<SUB>3</SUB> and higher unsaturated acids. Unsaponifiable matter, a pale yellow lamina, had mp 129131°C and I.V. 129.4, and existence of considerable amount of cholesterol was recognized.<BR>2. <I>Saurida</I> oil.<BR>Sauride argeyrophanes (Richardson) contained 0.73% of body oil. The characteristics of the oil and those obtained from the fish organs were as follows : <BR><I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> A.V. S.V. I.V. (Wijs) Unsap. matter Color<BR>Body oil 0.9391 1.4828 19.0 192.2 195.4 4.13 Reddish brown<BR>Entrails 0.9304 1.4875 106.9 159.6 183.5 17.09 Dark brown<BR>Liver 0.9240 1.4790 73.8 182.3 167.5 9.15 Reddish brwon<BR>Solid acids of body oil contained most of C<SUB>16</SUB>-C<SUB>18</SUB> acids, and C<SUB>14</SUB> and C<SUB>20</SUB> acids also existed. Liquid acids were composed of F<SUB>1</SUB>, F<SUB>2</SUB>, F<SUB>3</SUB> and higher unsaturated acids. Unsaponifiable matter of the oil had the following characteristics : <BR>Yield% I.V. mp (°C) Color reaction with conc. H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB><BR>Body oil 4.18 114.2 124128 Reddish brown (-) <BR>Entrails oil 17.08 116.8 124128 Reddish brown (+) <BR>Liver oil 9.15 128.6 Reddish brown (+) <BR>Cholesterol seemed to be main component of the matter.<BR>3. Half-beak oil.<BR>The oil prepared from <I>Tylosurus gigantcus</I> (Temminck & Schlegel) had the following characteristics : <BR>Yield% <I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> S.V. I.V. (Wijs) Unsaponifiables %<BR>0.69 0.9235 1.4817 158.0 160.4 12.79<BR>Solid acids contained most of C<SUB>16</SUB> and C<SUB>18</SUB> acids, and C<SUB>14</SUB> and C<SUB>20</SUB> acids also existed. Liquid acids were composed of F<SUB>1</SUB>, F<SUB>2</SUB>, F<SUB>3</SUB> and higher unsaturated acids. Unsaponifiable matter had I.V. 116.7 and mp 134.2138.5°C, and cholesterol seemed to be main component.
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