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(A) Hiroshima Rape Seed Oil.<BR>The seeds of <I>Brassica pektnesis</I> R. or Hiroshima rape, indigeneous in Hiroshima district of Japan, were blackish brown in colour, and contained 36.6% of yellow colored oil. The oil had the following charactenstics : <I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> 0.9078, <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> 1.4698, A. V. 3.06, S. V. 173.2, I. V. (wijs) 104.4, unsaponifiable matter 1.38%.<BR>The fatty acids were compcsed of 57.8% of solid acids (mainly myristic, palmitic, and behenic), and 41.7% of liquid acids (mainly tsuzuic, zoomaric, oleic, gadoleic, and an acid having different constitution of ordinary erucic acid). Phytosterol was isolated from the unsaponifiable matter.<BR>(B) Chinese milk-vetch seed oil.<BR>The Chinese milk-vetch seed oil obtained from <I>Astragalus sinicus</I>, L. was investigated and properties of the oil were as follows, oil content 5 90%, <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB>.<BR>1 4719, A V 15 7, S V 193 7, I V (wijs) 129. 6, and unsaponifiable matter 5 04%.<BR>The fatty acids of oil consisted of 25. 44% of saturated acids and 73. 68% of unsaturated. The saturated acids chiefly consisted of stearic, and C<SUB>14</SUB>, C<SUB>16</SUB>, C<SUB>20</SUB>, C<SUB>24</SUB> acids The chief composition of liquid fatty acids was oleic, linoleic, and linolenic Phytosterol was detected from unsaponifiable matter
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