ナマズ油, フナ油およびアユモドキ油の性状成分について
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Above mentioned fish were caught in the coldest season. The samples of oils were obtained from these fish.<BR>I. Catfish oil.<BR>A sample of the catfish (<I>Parosilurus asotus</I> Linne) oil was analyzed, and the following properties have been observed : <BR>Body oil Internal Liver oil organs oil<BR>Yield% 4.11 0.79 2.33<BR><I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> 0.9199 0.9268 - <BR><I>n</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> 1.4710 <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB>1.4753 <I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB>1.6730 <BR>A.V. 7.6 66.2 36.6 <BR>S.V. 191.2 171.2 215.9 <BR>I.V. 120.7 166.4 166.0 <BR>(Wijs) <BR>Unsaponifiable 2.01 16.93 13.37 <BR>matter % <BR>Color Reddish brown Yellow Dark brown <BR>Liver oil value 2.0 (+) <SUP>1)</SUP> (+) <SUP>2)</SUP> <BR>*1), 2) : Color reaction with cone H<SUB>2</SUB>SO<SUB>4</SUB> <BR>The mixed fatty acids of the body oil had the following constants : <BR>Yield% N.V. I.V. Color <BR>92.50 201.4 125.3 Yellowish brown <BR>The solid and liquid acids separated from the mixed acids had the following data : <BR>Solid acids Liquid acids <BR>Yield% 25.91 74.09 <BR><I>d</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> - 0.9092<BR><I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> - 1.4656 <BR>N.V. 209.0 196.8 <BR>I.V. 23.5 158.9 <BR>mp (°C) 47.248.6 - <BR>Color Pale yellow Dark red <BR>The above solid and liquid acids of the mixed acids composed of the following acids respectively : <BR>(i) Sold acids : Chiefly C<SUB>16</SUB>, C<SUB>18</SUB> and minor amounts of C<SUB>20</SUB>, C<SUB>22</SUB>, C<SUB>14</SUB>, C<SUB>12</SUB> acid. <BR>(ii) Liquid acid : C<SUB>18</SUB>-_??_<SUB>1</SUB>, _??_<SUB>2</SUB>, _??_<SUB>3</SUB> and minor amounts of C<SUB>16</SUB>-_??_ : C<SUB>22</SUB>-_??_<SUB>1</SUB>, _??_<SUB>2</SUB>, _??_<SUB>3</SUB> (_??_<SUB>4</SUB>?) acid and C<SUB>22</SUB> unsaturated. <BR>Unsaponifiable matter mp (°C) I.V. Color <BR>Body oil 110.5117.8 136.9 Yellowish red <BR>Internal organs oil 142144 - Colorless <BR>Liver oil 141143 - Colorless <BR>II. Crucian oil <BR>The samples of the crucian oils of the body and internal organs were obtained from the fish by ether extraction and had the following properties : <BR>Body oil Internal organs oil <BR>Yield% 2.78 1.25 <BR><I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> 0.9188 0.9188 <BR><I>n</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> 1.4724 1.4725 <BR>A.V. 15.1 58.2 <BR>S.V. 193.4 172.9 <BR>I.V. 122.6 150.6 <BR>Unsaponifiable matter% 1.85 12.18<BR>Color Reddish brown Yellowish brown <BR>Liver oil value 0 0 <BR>The mixed fatty acids of the body oil had the following data : <BR>Yield% N.V. I.V. Color <BR>92.60 202.9 126.1 Yellowish red <BR>The solid and liquid acids separated from the mixed acids had the following properties : <BR>Solid acids Liquid acids <BR>Yield% 26.26 73.74 <BR><I>d</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> - 0.9092 <BR><I>n</I><SUP>20</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> - 1.4660 <BR>N.V. 210.0 199.4 <BR>V.I. 19.3 158.6 <BR>mp (°C) 48.550.6 - <BR>Color Pale yellow Dark red <BR>The solid and liquid acids composed of the following acids respectively : <BR>(i) Solid acids : Chiefly C<SUB>16</SUB>, C<SUB>18</SUB> and minor amounts of C<SUB>14</SUB>, C<SUB>20</SUB>, C<SUB>12</SUB> acid. <BR>(ii) Liquid acids : Chiefly C<SUB>18</SUB>-_??_<SUB>1</SUB>, _??_<SUB>2</SUB> and minor amounts of C<SUB>16</SUB>-_??_<SUB>_??_</SUB>, C<SUB>20</SUB>-_??_<SUB>1</SUB>, _??_<SUB>2</SUB>, _??_<SUB>3</SUB> acid. <BR>Unsaponifiable matter mp (°C) I.V. Color <BR>Body oil 111.4118.6 125.6 Yellowish red <BR>Internall 142146 - Pale yellow organs oil <BR>III. Hymenophso curia oil <BR>This oil extracted from the only one fish (460g) of “Hymenophso curta” by ether extraction had the following properties : <BR>Yield% <I>d</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>4</SUB> <I>n</I><SUP>15</SUP><SUB>D</SUB> S.V. I.V. <BR>3.46 0.9215 1.4707 198.1 113.7 <BR>Unsaponifiable matter % Collor <BR>2.29 Yellowish brown
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