- 論文の詳細を見る
In Japan, the price of the fish meal is customarily estimated mostly by the total nitrogen contents of the products. So, considerably “ higher ” amount of fish solubles than that of usual “ whole meal ” process has been pervailingly added back to the press cake in the industry. Such excessive addition of solubles, however, would bring about some problems of the detrimental effects on the qualities of the products, since the nutritive values of some fish solubles components are considered inferior to those of ordinary fish meals. Accordingly, 20 domestic fish meals and 1 foreign meal were analysed. The results obtained are as follows. 1) Irrespective of the addition of fish solubles, very low moisture content and remarkably high fat content were observed. 2) The water-soluble nitrogen in the “ higher ” whole meals comprised about 23% of the total nitrogen, showing a fairly increase in this fraction. 3) Non-protein nitrogen in the “ higher ” whole meals was approximately 30% of the total nitrogen, which was a bount 3 times of that in the ordinary meals. 4) The excessive addition of solubles markedly lowered the Essential Amino Acid Indices of the meals as well as the chemical scores, indicating that the striking deterioration of the nutritional qualities of fish meals had occured.
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