- 論文の詳細を見る
Recently, that it opens information to the inhabitant and that it sufficiently carries out the description are required in the public work. Therefore, questionnaire and workshop are done.In the workshop, the human of various feeling of value gathers. Then, there is a difference of the viewpoint to the theme. Discussion may not be smoothly carried out from this fact. In addition, it is difficult that the opinion of the group is put together.In such a case, the method of helping the summary of the opinion of a group is required.Then, the consensus building support method is proposed in this study. This has noticed the consensus building of the individual pair individual. Then, Relative Position Measurement Approach with the simple evaluation is used. Evaluation Wrights Adjustment Model is utilized as a correction method of the weight. By using this method, whether the evaluation person should adjustment what factor how much is proven. In addition, position data estimation method which deduced position data from the estimated result was proposed. It is shown by that the consensus building is smoothly carried out this method.
- 日本地域学会の論文
加賀屋 誠一
内田 賢悦
加賀屋 誠一
盛 亜也子
北海道大学大学院博士後期課程 工学研究科
内田 賢悦
盛 亜也子
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