- 論文の詳細を見る
1. The acid soluble collagen preparation from the skin of great blue shark was characterized with regard to the physicochemical properties and the amino acid composition. The results obtained indicate that the skin collagen of great blue shark, one of lower classes of vertebrates, is similar to those from higher vertebrates in some physicochemical properties, while there is a little difference in the amino acid composition. 2. The high solubility in dilute acid and the low content of cross-links are the most characteristic natures of the skin collagen from great blue shark. The authors wish to thank Dr. M. SUYAMA, Ass. Prof. of Tokyo University of Fisheries for the amino acid analysis and Mr. K. KANNA, Research Member of Tokai Reginonal Fisheries Research Laboratory for the ultracentrifugal analysis. This work was supported in part by a grant for scientific research from the Ministry of Education in Japan.
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