- 論文の詳細を見る
The total ion monitoring method (TIM) has been developed for correction of secondary ion intensity changes which depend on primary ion beam current fluctuations, sample surface topography and transformed surface layers.<BR>The principle of the TIM is to eliminate the influence of the sample surface conditions by rationing emitted total ions and the specific ions to be analyzed.<BR>From experimental results it was apparent that this method has the following advantages : <BR>(1) It proved, at least quantitatively, that the TIM could be effectively used for the correction of specificion intensity changes due to primary ion current fluctuat ion and sample surface topography.<BR>(2) In-depth analysis of thin surface layers of boron doped silicon and tellurium doped gallium arsenide single crystal were carried out. Considerably good agreement with real distribution was obtained by the use of this method.
- 日本真空協会の論文
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