Naturalistic Strategies of Communication and Language Intervention. Interactive Approach, Verbal Routine Based Approach, and Milieu Language Teaching.
- 論文の詳細を見る
Studies related to the three naturalistic strategies of communication and language intervention were reviewed in terms of their techniques, effects, theoretical back-grounds, and future directions. The interactive approaches based on the interactive model of language acquisition that stresses the importance of semantic contingency of an adult's response to a child. Despite improved interaction of them and facilitated child's use of already acquired communicative skills, no evidence of child's acquiring new language structures through the approaches is found. Their theoretical basis is required to be examined. The verbal routine based approaches are supported by the findings that routines promote child's communicative initiation and understanding adult's language. Though they are effective in improving targeted communicative skills of a disabled child, their influences on non-targeted skills are not confirmed. Further considerations are requested to how a routine is established. Additinally, investigating how to cooperate these approaches with the interactive approaches is required, because routinaization and semantic contingency are the two ends of a continuum of adult-child interaction. Milieu Teaching uses procedures of applied behavior modification technique. Since this approach has something in common with the above two, their crossing each other is expected to develop new effective naturalistic strategies.
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- Naturalistic Strategies of Communication and Language Intervention. Interactive Approach, Verbal Routine Based Approach, and Milieu Language Teaching.