- 論文の詳細を見る
In order to compare the S, Sh1, Sh2 antigens with antigens classified in foreign countries, the authors joined in the international comparison test under the auspiece of Prof. RASMUSEN. Sheep blood cells to be tested were collected from 2 Taghees, 7 Ramvillet merinos, 6 Hampshires and 25 Crossbreds. Those sheep blood cells classified with S, Sh1, Sh2 antisera, and the results of those reactions were compared with reactions by authorized antisera. Ten laboratories from nine countries participated in this examinations.The results obtained were as follows:1) Those laborator iesidentified with three hundred reagents. The reagents which are able to judge factors were classified into one hundred and ninety, and they are now used to classify antigens in each laboratory. Besides, it was recognized that there are fifteen reagents of which system is still uncertain but which show the same reaction pattern as one factor. Ninety five reagents which are able to classify factors of unkown systems were prepared.2) S antigen is recognized to be the same as antigens D, S11, S21 and E'+D-S2l from USA; 934/953from Germany; 25 from South Africa;and it is the D factor in D system.3) The same antigen as Sh1 antigen was not found.4) Sh2 antigen may be recognized to be the same as antigens A, S6, S13, S3 from USA; 922, J1', 938, 877, 950, 916 from Germany; A from England; 22 from Indea; D, H, I from Poland; and 1, 3, 14, 18, 19, 28, 29, 34, 50, 53, 58, 59, 65 from South Africa; and it is the A factor in A system.5) Therefore, S antigen and Sh2 antigen are called as D factor and A factor, respectively.
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