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A colorimetric method for the simple determination of total amino acids in tea based on the reaction with ninhydrin was investigated.<BR>The method was as follows : A weiged tea powder sample (100mg) was infused by hot water (20ml) in test tube for 25 minutes, and then polychlar AT (300mg) was added to the infusion. After 15 minutes the infusion was filtrated. To an availably diluted filtrate (5ml) was added ninhydrin reagent (1ml). The mixed solution was heated in boiling water bath for 20 minutes and was allowed to stand at room temperature 30 minutes, The intesity of the color of the solution was determined using wave length 560nm.<BR>Amount of total amino acids was calculated from the calibration curve made by simultaneously measured standard amino acids solutions.<BR>The relative standard deviation of this method was 5--10%. A high correlation (r=0.954) was observd between the total amino acids content of this method and the sum of each amino acid content by an automatic amino acids analyzer.
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