Momoiite, (Mn2+,Ca)3(V3+,Al)2Si3O12, a new manganese vanadium garnet from Japan
TANAKA Hidekazu
Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
ENDO Shunsuke
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University
Department of Earth Science, Faculty of Science, Ehime University
ENAMI Masaki
Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Nagoya University
The Institute for Solid State Physics, the University of Tokyo
MIURA Hiroyuki
Department of Natural History Sciences, Faculty of Science, Hokkaido University
- A New Proposal for Neutrino Mass and |V_| Measurements(Particles and Fields)
- Momoiite, (Mn2+,Ca)3(V3+,Al)2Si3O12, a new manganese vanadium garnet from Japan
- Crystal structure of parasibirskite (CaHBO_3) and polymorphism in sibirskite and parasibirskite
- Momoiite, (Mn^, Ca)_3(V^, Al)_2Si_3O_, a new manganese vanadium garnet from Japan
- Susceptibility, Magnetization Process and ESR Studies on the Helical Spin System RbCuCl_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Singlet Ground State and Spin Gap in S=1/2 Kagome Antiferromagnet Rb_2Cu_3SnF_(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic Phase Transitions in Rb_K_xNiCl_3 System : A Mixture of Antiferromagnets on Deformed Triangular Lattice
- Successive Magnetic Phase Transitions in RbVBr_3
- Magnetic Phase Diagram of CsMn_Co_xCl_3・2H_2O
- ESR in Hexagonal ABX_3 Type Antiferromagnets. II.KNiCl_3: Easy-Plane Anisotropy Case
- ESR in Hexagonal ABX_3-Type Antiferromagnets. : I. Ground State Properties in Easy-Axis Anisotropy Case
- The Successive Magnetic Phase Transition of Hexagonal Antiferromagnet CsMnI_3 Observed by Optical Birefringence
- Magnetic Susceptibility Study on RbCuCl_3
- Magnetic Phase Transition in (CH_3)_4NMnBr_3(TMMB)
- Electron Paramagnetic Resonance in the Quasi-One-Dimensional Jahn-Teller-Crystals.I.CsCuCl_3
- Magnetic Susceptibility Studies on CsCrCl_3 and RbCrCl_3
- Influence of Cooperative Jahn-Teller Effect in CsCuCl_3 Crystals on the Broadening of EPR Lines
- Crystal chemistry of Mn^-, Sr-rich and REE-bearing piemontite from the Kamisugai mine in the Sambagawa metamorphic belt, Shikoku, Japan
- Epidote-(Sr), CaSrAl_2Fe^(Si_2O_7)(SiO_4)(OH), a new mineral from the Ananai mine, Kochi Prefecture, Japan
- Concomitant translocation of Purα with its binding proteins (PurBPs) from nuclei to cytoplasm during neuronal development
- Functional Analyses of Neuronal Genes in Zebrafish
- Moving Point Light Source Photometric Stereo
- Flow Patterns in the Dog Descending Aorta under a Steady Flow Condition Simulating Mid-Systole(Bioengineering)
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumor of the stomach with extremely slow-growing hematogenous metastasis
- Thermodynamic Properties and Elementary Excitations in Quantum Sine-Gordon Spin System KCuGaF_6(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Softening of Magnetic Excitations Leading to Pressure-Induced Quantum Phase Transition in Gapped Spin System KCuCl_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Magnetic and Dielectric Properties of RbCoBr_3 Inspected from Nonmagnetic Impurity Effect(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Classical Properties in Spin Dynamics in the S = 2 One-Dimensional Heisenberg Antiferromagnet, CsCrCl_3
- Magnetic Phase Transition and Magnetization Plateau in Cs_2CuBr_4
- Magnetization Plateaus in NH_4CuCl_3
- High-Field Magnetization Processes of Double Spin Chain Systems KCuCl_3 and TlCuCl_3
- Recurrent Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the Breast with Undifferentiated Features : Report of a Case
- Field-Induced Two-Step Phase Transitions in the Singlet Ground State Triangular Antiferromagnet CsFeBr_3
- Singlet Ground State and Magnetization Plateaus in Ba_3Mn_2O_8 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Observation of Field-Induced Transverse Neel Ordering in the Spin Gap System TlCuCl_3 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- Magnetic Excitations in the Spin Gap System KCuCl_3
- Magnetic-Field Induced Bose-Einstein Condensation of Magnons and Critical Behavior in Interacting Spin Dimer System TlCuCl_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Orbital Configurations and Magnetic Properties of Double-Layered Antiferromagnet Cs_3Cu_2Cl_4Br_3(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Spin Fluctuations in the Ground State of Doped Quantum Spin System TlCu_Mg_xCl_3 with x = 0.0047 Probed by Muon-Spin-Relaxation Technique
- The Effect of Randomness on the Quantum Spin System Tl_K_xCuCl_3 with x=0.44 Studied by the Zero-Field Muon-Spin-Relaxation (ZF-μSR) Method(Condensed matter: electronic structure and electrical, magnetic, and optical properties)
- Muon-Spin-Relaxation Study on Single Crystals Tl_K_xCuCl_3 with x=0.2
- Gapped Ground State in the Spin-1/2 Trimer Chain System Cu_3Cl_6(H_2O)_2 2H_8C_4SO_2 : Condensed Matter: Electronic Properties, etc.
- CHIME monazite ages of metasediments from the Altai orogen in northwestern China : Devonian and Permian ages of metamorphism and their significance
- Raman spectroscopic study of olivine-group minerals
- Orthoferrosilite in a quartz monzonite from the Pan-African Belt in the Nkambe area, Cameroon
- Prograde pressure-temperature path of jadeite-bearing eclogites and associated high-pressure/low-temperature rocks from western Tianshan, northwest China
- Peak conditions of kyanite-bearing quartz eclogites in the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku, Japan
- Crystal structure of sibirskite (CaHBO_3) by Monte Carlo simulation and Rietveld refinement
- Bi-bearing and REE-free zalesiite from the Fuka mine, Okayama Prefecture, Japan
- Increased Signal Intensity in the Normal Glenoid Labrum in MR Imaging : Diagnostic Pitfalls Caused by the Magic-angle Effect
- A Polymer Complex [Cu(O_2CC_6F_5)_2-(pyz)]_n Formed from Copper(II) Pentafluorobenzoate and Pyrazine
- JTII-29 Proteomic analysis of stage I primary lung adenocarcinoma aimed at individualization of postoperative therapy
- Chloritoid-bearing basic schists from the Sanbagawa metamorphic belt, central Shikoku : their petrologic significance and tectonic implications
- Observation of Anomalous ESR Mode of CsCuCl_3 in Submillimeter Wave Region
- Submillimeter Wave ESR Measurements of CsMnBr_3
- Effects of Diagonal Interchain Exchange Interaction on the ESR Modes of ABX_3-Type Triangular Antiferromagnets
- Magnetic Susceptibility Study of CsCuCl_3
- Effects of Interchain Exchange Interactions on ESR Modes in Axial Triangular Antiferromagnets
- Comment and Reply
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- Eclogite and Related Metamorphism in the Sanbagawa Belt, Southwest Japan
- Omphacite-bearing metapelite from the Besshi region, Sambagawa metamorphic belt, Japan : Prograde eclogite facies metamorphism recorded in metasediment
- Compositional range of α and β zoisites(短報)
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- Space-Like Jet Calculus for Single Gluon Radiating Processes
- Three-Gluon Decay Function Using Space-Like Jet Calculus beyond the Leading Order
- Structural and Magnetic Phase Transitions in RbVBr_3
- In vitro ^1H-NMR Spectroscopic Analysis of Metabolites in Fast-and Slow-twitch Muscles of Young Rats
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- Initial State Parton Evolution beyond the Leading Logarithmic Order of QCD(Particles and Fields)
- Field-Induced New Ordered Phase in Triangular Antiferromagnet RbFeCl_3
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- ESR Modes in CsCuCl_3
- Ehimeite, NaCa_2Mg_4CrSi_6Al_2O_(OH)_2 : The first Cr-dominant amphibole from the Akaishi Mine, Higashi-Akaishi Mountain, Ehime Prefecture, Japan
- Influence of garnet hosts on the Raman spectra of quartz inclusions