MDR1-Mediated Interaction of Digoxin with Antiarrhythmic or Antianginal Drugs
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The multidrug transporter, MDR1-mediated interaction of digoxin with antiarrhythmic or antianginal drugs was examined in vitro by using the MDR1-overexpressing LLC-GA5-COL150 cells, which were established by transfection with human MDR1 cDNA into porcine kidney epithelial LLC-PK1 cells. Amiodarone, its active metabolite monodesethyl-amiodarone (DEA), and quinidine markedly inhibited the basal-to-apical transport (renal secretion) of [3H]digoxin and increased the apical-to-basal transport (reabsorption), but cibenzoline and lidocaine showed slight inhibition of the transport, and disopyramide and mexiletin had no such effects. The IC50 values for amiodarone, DEA and quinidine on [3H]digoxin transport in LLC-GA5-COL150 cells were 5.48 μM, 1.27 μM and 9.52 μM, respectively. These were comparable to, or only several times the achievable concentration in clinical use, suggesting that MDR1 could be responsible for the drug interaction between digoxin and amiodarone found in clinical reports and that DEA contributes the elevation of digoxin serum concentration. Similarly, dipyridamole altered the transport, but isosorbide showed only slight modification of the transport. The IC50 value for dipyridamole was 40.0 μM, also only several times the achievable concentration in clinical use, indicating a risk of interaction.
- 日本薬学会の論文
- 2002-12-01
Department of Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Keio University
Nakamura T
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Kobe University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
谷川原 祐介
OKUMURA Katsuhiko
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Kobe University School of Medicine
SAKAEDA Toshiyuki
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Kobe University School of Medicine
Kasuga Masato
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy School Of Medicine Kobe University
Department of Biochemistry, Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Kakumoto M
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy School Of Medicine Kobe University
Kakumoto Mikio
Department Of Biochemistry Gifu Pharmaceutical University
Kimura T
Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takara Kohji
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
KITA Tomoko
Department of Hospital Pharmacy, School of Medicine, Kobe University
Okumura K
Department Of Clinical Evaluation Of Pharmacotherapy Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Takara Kohji
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Takara Kohji
Department Of Clinical Pharmacy Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Takara Kohji
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy School Of Medicine Kobe University
Sakaeda Toshiyuki
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Kobe University Hospital
Kita T
Institute Of Natural Science Kobe University
Shirakawa T
Kobe University School Of Medicine
Tanigawara Yusuke
Department Of Clinical Pharmacokinetics And Pharmacodynamics School Of Medicine Keio University
Kita Tomoko
Department Of Applied Physics Osaka University
Okumura Katsuhiko
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy School Of Medicine Kobe University
Okumura Katsuhiko
Department Of Clinical Evaluation Of Pharmacotherapy Kobe University Graduate School Of Medicine
Okumura Katsuhiko
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Kyoto Pharmaceutical University:department Of Hospital Pharmacy Kobe
Nakamura Takeshi
Department Of Gastroenterological Surgery Kobe University Graduate School Of Medical Sciences
Sakai T
Department Of Internal Medicine And Gastrointestinal Endoscopy Saga Medical School
Koishi Tomokazu
Department Of Hospital Pharmacy Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Kyoto Pharmaceutical University
Kaneko M
Department Of Pharmacology Faculty Of Pharmaceutical Sciences Chiba Institute Of Science
Kaneko Masayuki
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