Comparison of Carbohydrate Digestion between Japanese and Polish Healthy Subjects
- 論文の詳細を見る
We have revealed that light environment affects digestion and absorption of dietary carbohydrates in the gastrointestinal tract. This experimental result supposes that the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption may differ among people who live in different latitudes, such as Japanese and Polish people, at the same calendar season. In order to prove this hypothesis, we have been comparing the efficiency of carbohydrate absorption using the breath hydrogen test in Japan and Poland. Here, we report the comparison of the result obtained in the summer of 2004 as the following ; (1) Orocecal transit time (OCTT) for indigestible trisaccharide of Japanese subjects was significantly longer than that in Poland (p=0.043). (2) On the ingestion of minestrone, the amount of unabsorbed carbohydrate of Japanese subjects (which was estimated as trisaccharide equivalent) was significantly larger than that of Polish subjects (p=0.006).
- 日本生理人類学会の論文
Tokura Hiromi
松本大学 人間健康学部
Tokura Hiromi
Professor Emeritus Nara Women's Univ.
Tokura Hiromi
奈良女子大学 生活健康学専攻
Faculty of Human Health Science, Matsumoto University
SONE Yoshiaki
Graduate School of Human Life Science, Osaka City University
SONE Yoshiaki
Department of Food and Nutrition, Graduate School of Osaka City University
Tokura Hiromi
Nara Women's University
Tokura Hiromi
Institute Of Textiles And Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tokura Hiromi
Institute Oftextiles & Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Lesinski Filip
Pulmonology Hospital Of Lung Disease
Tsumura Yuki
Department Of Food And Nutrition Studies Junshin Junior College
Tsumura Yuki
Graduate School Of Human Life Science Osaka City University
Hirota Naoko
Faculty Of Human Health Science Matsumoto University
Hirota Naoko
Department Of Health And Nutritional Science Faculty Of Human Health Science Matsumoto University
Tokura Hiromi
Institute Of Textile & Clothing The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Tokura Hiromi
Depaetment Of Environmental Health Nara Women's University
Toyobo Co. Ltd.
Tokura H
Hong Kong Polytechnic Univ. Hong Kong Chn
Tokura Hiromi
Department Of Environmental Heaith. Nara Women's University
Pulmonology Hospital of Lung Disease
Pulmonology Hospital of Lung Disease
Lesinski Filip
Plmonology Hospital of Lung Disease
Rutkowska Danuta
Plmonology Hospital of Lung Disease
Barinow-Wojewodzki Aleksander
Plmonology Hospital of Lung Disease
Tokura H
Nara Women's University
Sone Yoshiaki
Graduate School Of Human Life Science Osaka City University
Sone Y
Department Of Food And Nutrition Graduate School Of Osaka City University
Sone Yoshiaki
Graduate School Of Human Ecology Osaka City University
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