マウス(Mus Musculus)血液漿膜胎盤およびシバヤギ(Capra hircus var Shiba)上皮漿膜/結合組織漿膜胎盤におけるホメオボックス遺伝子発現の解析
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The homeobox genes expressed in highly invasive murine hemochorial placentae and in non-invasive caprine epitheliochorial/syndesmochorial placentae were surveyed by cloning and sequencing RT-PCR products generated by using sets of degenerate primers. All HOX9 paralogues, i. e., HOXA-9 - HOXD-9, were expressed both in the murine and in the caprine placenta. Among the non-clustered HOX genes, the placental expression of EMX2 and ATBF1 was newly demonstrated in the present study. In the murine placenta, Hoxa-10 was the dominant homeobox gene expressed. In the intercotyledon region of the caprine placenta, HOXA-10 was expressed at a low level, while HOXB-7 transcript levels were high. By contrast, no Hoxb-7 expression was found in the murine placenta. The high HOXB-7 mRNA levels in the caprine placenta might represent the expression in the allantois which enormously expands in the caprine epitheliochorial/syndesmochorial placenta. Despite the difference in the pattern of HOXA-10 and HOXB-7 expression, the homeobox genes expressed in two morphologically and functionally different types of placentae were surprisingly similar with each other. In the mouse plcenta, the expression levels of Hoxa-9, Emx2, Msx2 and ATBF1 did not show any consistent changes during the pregnancy period examined. Hoxb-9 expression levels exhibited a decline between Day 13 and Day 15 of pregnancy, while the expression levels of Hoxc-9 and Hoxd-9 gradually increased from Day 13 to Day 19. The Hoxc-9 expression level reached to the maximum level on Day 19. The functional significance of these homeobox genes remains to be clarified.
- 日本繁殖生物学会の論文
TOJO Hideaki
Laboratory of Applied Genetics, Graduate School of Agricultural and Life Sciences, University of Tok
山内 啓太郎
千葉大学 理
Tachi Chikashi
Laboratory of Applied Genetics, Department of Animal Resource Science, School of Agriculture and Lif
高嶋 良吉
Laboratory of Applied Genetics, Department of Animal Resource Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultu
村澤 秀樹
Laboratory of Applied Genetics, Department of Animal Resource Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultu
山内 啓太郎
Biomedical Group, Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd., Otsu, Shiga -ken 520-21, Japan
Takashima Ryoukichi
Laboratory of Applied Genetics, Department of Animal Resource Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultu
Murasawa Hideki
Laboratory of Applied Genetics, Department of Animal Resource Sciences, Graduate School of Agricultu
Yamanouchi Keitaro
Biomedical Group, Takara Shuzo Co., Ltd., Otsu, Shiga -ken 520-21, Japan
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