2-Deoxycastasterone, a New Brassinolide-related Bioactive Steroid from Pinus Pollen
Takematsu Tetsuo
Weed Control Research Institute Faculty Of Agriculture Utsunomiya University
Yokota Takao
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry The University Of Takyo
Ikekawa Nobuo
Department Of Chemistry Tokyo Institute Of Technology:department Of Biochemistry University Of Wisco
Takatsuto Suguru
Department Of Chemistry Joetsr University Of Education
Takahashi Nobutaka
Department Of Agricultural Chemistry Faculty Of Agricultural Science University Of Tokyo
ARIMA Masahiro
Department of Agricultural Chemistry, The University of Tokyo
Weed Control Research Institute, Utsunomiya University
- Co-Regulation of Brassinosteroid Biosynthesis-Related Genes During Xylem Cell Differentiation
- Sterols in Kochia scoparia Fruit
- Brassinolide and [26, 28-^2H_6] Brassinolide Are Differently Demethylated by Loss of C-26 and C-28, Respectively, in Marchantia polymorpha
- In Vivo and in Vitro Conversion of Teasterone to Typhasterol in Cultured Cells of Marchantia Polymorpha
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- Brassinolide-related New Bioactive Steroids from Dolichos lablab Seed
- Transfer RNA, a Possible Supplier of Free Cytokinins, Ribosyl-cis-zeatin and Ribosyl-2-methylthiozeatin : Quantitative Comparison between Free and Transfer Cytokinins in Various Tissues of the Hop Plant
- Variations in the Levels of cis- and trans-Ribosylzeatins and Other Minor Cytokinins during Development and Growth of Cones of the Hop Plant
- Identification of N^6-(3-methyl-but-2-enyl)adenosine, zeatin, zeatin riboside, gibberellin A_ and abscisic acid in shoots of the hop plant
- Identification of zeatin and zeatin riboside in cones of the hop plant and their possible role in cone growth
- Biological Activities of Biosynthetically-related Congeners of Brassinolide
- Identification of a New Brassinosteroid, Cathasterone, in Cultured Cells of Catharanthus roseus as a Biosynthetic Precursor of Teasterone
- Possible Involvement of 3-Dehydroteasterone in the Conversion of Teasterone to Typhasterol in Cultured Cells of Catharanthus roseus
- Endogenous Gibberellins in Mature Seed of Raphanus sativus L. cv. Taibyo-sobutori(Organic Chemistry)
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- Analysis of Type A Behavior Pattern associated with Longevity
- Occurrence of Brassinolide and Castasterone in Crown Gall Cells of Catharanthus roseus(Biological Chemistry)
- Occurrence of Castasterone, Brassinolide and Methyl 4-Chloroindole-3-acetate in Immature Vicia faba Seeds(Organic Chemistry)
- Plants Steroid Hormones, Brassinosteroids : Current Highlights of Molecular Aspects on their Synthesis/Metabolism, Transport, Perception and Response
- Identification of a Triterpenoid Saponin in Etiolated Pea Shoots as Phytochrome Killer
- Brassinosteroids and Monoglycerides with Brassinosteroid-like Activity in Immature Seeds of Oryza sativa and Perilla frutescens and in Cultured Cells of Nicotiana tabacum
- Brassinosteroids and Monoglycerides in Immature Seeds of Cassia tora as the Active Principles in the Rice Lamina Inclination Bioassay
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- Brassinolide Is Biosynthesized from Castasterone in Catharanthus roseus Crown Gall Cells(Organic Chemistry)
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- Identification of Brassinolide, Castasterone, Typhasterol, and Teasterone from the Pollen of Lilium elegans
- A Root Growth-promoting Factor, Capillarol, from Artemisia capillaris Thunb(Biological Chemistry)
- Identification of Teasterone and 4-Desmethylsterols in the Seeds of Ginkgo biloba L.
- Free and Conjugated Brassinosteroids in the Pollen and Anthers of Erythronium japonicum Decne.
- Qualitative and Quantitative Analysis of Endogenous Gibberellins in Raphanus sativus L. during Cold Treatment and the Subsequent Growth
- 28-Homotyphasterol, a New Natural Brassinosteroid from Rice (Oryza sativa L.) Bran
- Evidence for Brassinosteroids in Strobilus of Equisetum arvense L.(Organic Chemistry)
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- Changes in Endogenous Ribosyl-trans-zeatin and IAA Levels in Relation to the Proliferation of Tobacco Crown Gall Cells
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- Identification of Trace Sterols in the Seeds of Foxtail Millet (Setaria italica Beauv.)
- Biosynthesis of Brassinosteroids in Seedlings of Catharanthus roseus, Nicotiana tabacum, and Oryza sativa
- Synthesis of 24-Epibrassinolide-related Compounds with Plant Growth-promoting Activity(Organic Chemistry)
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- Identification of Castasterone, 6-Deoxocastasterone, Typhasterol and 6-Deoxotyphasterol from the Shoots of Arabidopsis thaliana
- Identification of Castasterone, 6-Deoxocastasterone, and Typhasterol in the Pollen of Robinia pseudo-acacia L.
- 3-Dehydroteasterone, a 3,6-Diketobrassinosteroid as a Possible Biosynthetic Intermediate of Brassinolide from Wheat Grain
- Endogenous Gibberellins in the Immature Seed and Pericarp of Loquat (Eriobotrya japonica)
- Identification of Castasterone, Typhasterol and Teasterone from the Pollen of Zea mays(Organic Chemistry)
- Synthesis and Root Growth-promoting Activity of Capillarol and Its Derivatives
- Identification of Castasterone and Teasterone in Seeds of Cannabis sativa L.
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- Identification of Brassinolide, Castasterone and Norcastasterone(Brassinone) in Sunflower(Helianthus annum L.) Pollen(Organic Chemistry)
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- 6-Deoxotyphasterol and 3-Dehydro-6-deoxoteasterone, Possible Precursors to Brassi-nosteroids in the Pollen of Cupressus arizonica
- Microanalysis of Brassinosteroids in Plants by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (有機マススペクトロメトリ-)
- Germination Inhibitory Activity of Grandinol Analogues
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- Identification of Brassinolide and Its Analogues in Chestnut Gall Tissue
- A New Metabolite, 3-Carboxy-2, 4-diphenyl-but-2-enoic Anhydride, Produced by Aspergillus nidulans
- Diverse Structural Variations of The Brassinosteroids in Phaseolus vulgaris Seed
- Stereochemical Structure-Activity Relationship of N-(2, 3-Epoxypropyl)-N-(α-methylbenzyl)benzenesulfonamide Derivatives
- Fluctuation of Endogenous Cytokinin Contents in Rice during Its Life Cycle-Quantification of Cytokinins by Selected Ion Monitoring Using Deuterium-labelled Internal Standards
- A New Brassinolide-related Steroid in the Leaves of Thea sinensis
- 2-Deoxycastasterone, a New Brassinolide-related Bioactive Steroid from Pinus Pollen
- Purification and Separation of Eight Steroidal Plant-growth Regulators from Dolichos lablab Seed
- 25-Methyldolichosterone, a New Brassinosteroid with a Tertiary Butyl Group from Immature Seed of Phaseolus vulgaris
- 6-Deoxocastasterone and 6-Deoxodolichosterone : Putative Precursors for Brassinoliderelated Steroids from Phaseolus vulgaris
- Brassinolide-related Bioactive Sterols in Dolichos lablab: Brassinolide, Castasterone and a NewAnalog, Homodolicholide
- The Rice Lamina Inclinationpromoting Activity of Synthetic Brassinolide Analogues with a Modified Side Chain
- Structure-Herbicidal Activity Relationship of α-Phenylsulfonyl Propanamide
- Phytotoxic Activity of N-Phenylsulfonylbenzamides
- Structure-Activity Relationship in Herbicidal Activity of 5-Chloro-2, 3-dicyanopyrazines against Barnyardgrass (Echinochloa crus-galli)
- Herbicidal Activity of N-(2, 3-Epoxypropyl)benzenesulfonamide Derivatives
- Phytotoxic Properties of α-Substituted Benzylamino-s-triazinest
- (+)-Abscisic Acid and Two Compounds Showing Chlorophyll Degradation Activity in Cuscuta pentagona Engelm
- Identification of Brassinolide-like Substances in Chinese Cabbage
- Endogenous Brassinosteroids of the Rice Plant: Castasterone and Dolichosterone
- Identification of brassinolide and its 6-oxo analog in plant Kingdom by selected ion monitoring.
- Effects of brassinosteroids on growth and yields of crops.
- Phytotoxic Activity of N-Benzylbenzenesulfonamides